
xxxHOLiC Wallpaper: Queen of butterflies

CLAMP, Production I.G, xxxHOLiC, Yuuko Ichihara Wallpaper
CLAMP Mangaka Production I.G Studio xxxHOLiC Series,OVA Yuuko Ichihara Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

For the contest vector-wallers

I was desperate! >.<
Not wise if it was going to manage to finish it but I achieved it, finish it :puff:

This one is the vector mas difficultly that I have done! It was not waiting for it of my, not, not, hehe :)

Hours, days, weeks? I lost the account all that he delays in doing it. I am a bit left by my things, then it was not advancing very much ^_^'

Time: very much, forget it, it will start annotating it from now >.<
Layers: not counted

I already had a vector-waller for the contest, but I saw it too poor and simple ... this way for that I asked him to Sinever-san to remove it. Ohh ~~~ Sinever-san allowed me to do it! ;)

Hey! The difficult parts, the difficult parts ~~~ x_x :ouch:

Difficult part: the chest, blond that one :ggrr: so difficult... only I did vector what I saw there, not if I am exact, but I believe that this this way well, I suffered it, I suffered it~~~~

The second difficult part: the panties, can it see that detail when it begins the panties?, also it was difficult, I would say the same thing that arrives, only I did vector what I saw x_x

Third difficult part: baahhh~~~~ not difficult, but complicated, the hair, if, the hair, Yuuko with these hairs buahh~~~ complicated, but I managed to do it, O.K I do not stay so well, but it must know that I am not an artist vectoring so advanced, and this I remove a lot of time and effort (I am not scolding it ^_^' )

:puuf: exhausted vacations, tomorrow I finalize day of vacations x_x

:O a thing: if you see improvement, please say it to me, I have the possibility of opening a section in my userpage to request vectors, but this is not now, it might be in October, I would have vacations from October up to March, good I will think it, alone if you see improvement ;)

The background:

It had weighed to continue with it is a background of the scan, but already I saw many wallpapers with the same background and not, I change it. I am not expert at using petals of sakura! Buahh~~~ hope that this good like them was done by me, because I see that they do them since me prove to my, hope that they are so of your pleasure.

The tables, not as the tables do, try it with many methods but I saw that this one was the best result, I have nerves of which they are not like that :snif:

The cushions :O saw that there was a part cut in Yuuko leg and had to cover it since be, create the cushions, hahahaha it gives me laugh as these they stayed... but, uuummm, they are not seen well, I could not do any more, sorry :snif:

The name am I it for that butterfly that Yuuko has on his hand, also one in hair, not? But I gave the name for this reason, sorry for my short imagination.

The doors, or walls, since it wants to call them, seemed to me that with the opaqueness they would see 100% very brute, or they were not meeting well (very direct). I had to change it in addition in order that it had appearance of curtains or a very soft fabric, achieve it? :x

Thanks for the scan by marissa

It would be quite, with the vector more difficultly, also I have done the longest description :X

Please comment, for critiques full view, thanks. =3

My groups:

vectory vector-wallers
sakura--cb celestial-luminesse
kira-and-lacus-in-love the-pink-princess
songstress-reverie mistooken-maiden
romeoxjuliet EPECT-MT

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  1. Fran Retired Moderator Jul 29, 2007

    Ohhh...Nice vectoring!
    Hay algunos detalles q hay q afinar como por ejemplo el piso, no se...no parece madera, habria q agregar alguna textura para q se viera mejor. Los arboles tambien necesitan trabajo. Aca te dejo un link con un tutorial para los arboles, http://www.imanimetions.net/main.php?nav=tutorial. Tambien, el pasto, si hubieras usado diferentes tonos de verde, se veria mas profundo.
    Pero bueh, no puedo criticar el vector de Yuuko, esta perfecto ^^
    Buena suerte ;)

  2. yui20 Jul 29, 2007

    Hay ya ~ saki-xan, I am here now xD
    The chest must be very hard to vector O,o and yea, the panties too xD
    Oh~ I think Sinever is a she, isnt it? ^^"

    Anyway, that's a great wallpaper =3 ~ But then I think the shadow of that woman *I dunno what's her name* seems really weird ^_^' ~
    Other than that, the wallpaper is all good =3 ~

  3. Sinever Jul 29, 2007

    umm Im a girl ^_^' -_- & yui-chan Im a girl & you sound it like Im not T_T
    anyway the wall is looking good :)
    well done & good luck :)

  4. Freyanen Jul 29, 2007

    It's a very very very good vector...
    The background it's too simple...
    I don't like how it looks.. and... think about the point of the.. the perspective.. i don't know how to say it... -.- spanish it' s btter... ajajajajja gomen..
    Because the floor goes up.. i think that the floor... needs to go down.... i wish you comprend me ( en caso de q hables espa

  5. Omone Jul 29, 2007

    I know how hard this scan is to vector since I vectored it too.
    However I was too lazy to vector the panties.. Too difficult for me at the moment =D

    All in all a very nice wallpaper.

    Take care and have a nice day

    ah yes and a fav of course =D

  6. ThunderByte Jul 29, 2007

    *gasp* wow. What a wallie you have created!
    As said before maybe there's something "missing" from background but even like this it's still very nicely done.
    I'll waiting see more your artwork! :)

  7. Pinkmodel-Mia Jul 29, 2007

    OMG~~~good vectoring!
    I am sorry that I it is not activated in Minitokyo, but I saw if gallery and it is agreeable!

  8. garnett Jul 30, 2007

    WAII! i love it. someone already vectored this image but i like yours too ^-^ love the background

  9. moonescape Aug 01, 2007

    Wow! I'm just shocked on how your outlines are way thinner than mine. XD

    It's really nice on how smooth it turned out I mean. :o

    Though I think the background does look like it's missing something, but you said you were rushing so I couldn't blame you. I always rush on backgrounds when it's like in the last minute. XD XD See the sakura looks flat because there's no shades if you know what I mean including the grass. OX Those sliding doors you see are missing shadows since the light is outside coming in if you know what I mean. ;)

  10. sailorchiron Aug 11, 2007

    Your vector of Yuko is great! I'm not a big fan of the bg, it's a litte too simplistic. Great work on the vector! Such tiny lines!

  11. Jember880314 Sep 21, 2007

    Wow so sexy !
    This is a fine art for an art made in just little time !
    Although maybe the floor & the background paper window are a bit lack of detail & perspection too
    Hehehe.. but the sakura tree is still good enough & its a good arts

  12. nellandreatta Dec 05, 2009

    perfect... very very very perfect....

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