
Idol Master Wallpaper: Fun after class (IGNORE THE STUPID LOW RES THUMBNAIL)

Idol Master, Eri Mizutani, Iori Minase Wallpaper
Idol Master Series,Game Eri Mizutani Character Iori Minase Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment


the girl with a gun was render by rei found at animerender.
The girl with the teddy bear was render by boxer found at animerender.
Thanks for maya's animerender account i was able to get some renders >.>

stock was found in flickr and the remaing 3 stock: rocks, stairs, trees and shops were found in minitokyo gallery scans "The place promised in our early days."
there are 5 stocks in total or 6? i can't remember... around those number.

No brushes are used in this wallpaper and is plane scene wallpaper. The 2 girls are still in their P.E unifor in search of bullies and hunt them down... the fun has just started in their case. the girl with a doll and the girl with a gun tells "fun" in the wallpaper.


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  1. vxcdeejay Jul 29, 2007

    great wallpaper!
    i liked! great job!

  2. Freyanen Jul 29, 2007

    GREAT WALLPAPER! -FAV- XD obviusly
    I love yhe wall
    XD The girls re kawaii! and the sun.. the colors and all1! u love the wall! xD jejeje

  3. Mandulum1 Nov 09, 2008

    very nice

  4. PrinceofMe May 24, 2009

    Cute...lOVE the light effect makes everything so magically^^

  5. Rikaachan Dec 24, 2009

    Nagyon vagant kep, csak igy tovabb.

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