Wow! I love it ><
I was hoping for someone to vector it >< And you did!
It looks awesome!
I'm adding it to the DGM group gallery =3
Please Credit if used ...
Now, this is what I did just because I was bored. I planed to make a wallpaper out of this (witch I will in the near
future) but decided that a artwork in + can't destry my galery, so here is the one and only Lenalee!
~ I changed a few things with the colores and I also Improvised a litle
~ Isn't Timcanpy a darling X-P
Browse D Gray-Man Gallery: Recent | Popular.
Wow! I love it ><
I was hoping for someone to vector it >< And you did!
It looks awesome!
I'm adding it to the DGM group gallery =3
beautifull XD
she is looking gorgeous :)
lol! I thought that this one was really nice! I mean your outlines may look slightly wobby, but it always look so smooth and flowy that it just matches with the whole scan. :D
I think this vector is the best one so far. ;)
Wow you vectored it alrdy ^^ ~
That's really fast =3 !
nice one. ^^
btw, what are those fonts that you used for Lenalee's name?
Really cool!
She looks so beautiful here... ^-^
Simple and neat :]
AWESOME!~~ I gonna make a wallpaper out of it!~~
Really Nice pic XD
Oh... She is sooooooo nice here.... mmmm ~.~
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