
Lelouch of the Rebellion Wallpaper: In All Honor | Against You and Somewhat With You

Sunrise (Studio), Lelouch of the Rebellion, Euphemia Li Britannia Wallpaper

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Textures by: DA!

Second Vectored Wallie, Much better then the

The vector was made by: Moonescape
The Link: Melancholy Smile

Whole bg is vectored and had a reason
to why it looks weird, I've been putting this poor
vector through so many bgs and couldn't find the
right one. But once I started vectoring I decided to give
it a swing and try to make a bg all my own.

The black star shape (which should look like a star)
represents the Black Knights because in ep 23. (can't say
possible spoiler for some)

But anyways made some girlie ribbons behind
her so it wouldn't look too out of her element.
and added red hearts on the stars, then also I added
a red heart on her chest for a twist.

More Resolutions at EDD! (When Chloe-chan gets back :3 )

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  1. LilLaoRyo704 Jul 19, 2007

    lol awesome wall, yay its Euphie XD haha, awesome background and design, great job, and yea when chloe comes back from her fishing trip XD

  2. saki-xan Jul 19, 2007

    Wow! This one well, this one well, but remember: a vector-wall does not lost the "cleanliness" or "purity" of the vector. ;)

  3. rika23 Jul 19, 2007

    wai~ i like the color gradient there XD

  4. Hasaki-Keissi Jul 19, 2007

    A 5-pointed star, huh? Having not seen the series, I can't truly make anything out of that. It just makes me think there might be some magic involved. (Granted that the 5-pointed star is the base of the standard pentagram.)

    Well, moving on from the odd stuff. I must say that it is a nice wall. Though your choice of composition kept it from being of a "good" rating. I don't mean to sound overly critical, but your placement of the character is really "blah" and leaves a little to be desired from in this category.

  5. irix Jul 21, 2007

    i'd have to view this anime as well! :D

  6. pamkips Jul 21, 2007

    Oh yay, more pretty kitten wallies :]

  7. Chloe Retired Moderator Jul 23, 2007

    More Code Geass! Yays!
    The vector is well done (great job, Moonescape!) and the background is nice as well! *adds to EDD*

  8. moonescape Jul 23, 2007

    This is very beautiful! The extraction here was just shocking because once again my extraction just sucks. OX

    I like the background with the pretty abstract ribbons. :D I think the textures definately went well here, but pretty much I can totally see that making a wallpaper out of the vector might've been difficult. ^_^'

    I'm still kind of off on my vacation, but I can't help it when I see a really good wallpaper. >:D

  9. JamKuradoberi Jul 24, 2007

    Vectored wall..nuff said :D The extraction is very good..i see no problems there :3 and the bg is rather simple but it fits perfectly with Yuffie :3
    Overall: a job well done :D

  10. OrpheusTheBard Jul 24, 2007

    Very nice wallpaper! I usually don't like wallpapers with textures over the characters, but I think it works really well here.

  11. Lariel Jul 25, 2007

    Wow! Nice texture. The background is also very delicate and done nicely. Good job! :)

  12. peniko Jul 25, 2007

    kitten you're great xD this wallie is perfectly done xD i love the idea of tthe windows altrough i dont understand.
    i love that chara. and her expresion there

  13. shiwei Aug 04, 2007

    nice wallpaper, the background is good.
    colors and texture is good. keep it up, +fav

  14. chipsahchoi Nov 06, 2007

    nice work =]


  15. Jackbox Oct 23, 2008

    this is a nice wall! euphie~

  16. MugiwaraLuffy Mar 26, 2009

    I love it! Really nice composition and colors. You works are so adorable! Keep it up and thank you for sharing!

  17. holykin Mute Member Apr 12, 2009

    So ThAnK Wow Nice !

  18. hikmat Apr 20, 2009

    wow this one is really EPIC man thx =]

  19. pureblood98 Jan 15, 2010

    euphie is soo beautiful.. i love the "tatoo" on her chest...

  20. phongttp001 Feb 05, 2010

    hehe Marth x3 I have to admit, brawl has kept me procrastinating as well..same goes for mario kart xD

    Anyway, it's nice to see more originals from you! :D Your style is just so cute! x3 Keep it up!

  21. LovePanda Jun 06, 2010

    I just saw this wallpaper just now. It looks great =)

  22. LightSorrow Aug 26, 2010

    Oooo @_@ Serious Euphemia! Gotta add this to my Euphemia theme! Thanks!

  23. screxmo Aug 26, 2010

    Euphie-chan wa kawaii!


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