hahaha! I love the skipping parts lol^^ And yeah I know that feeling you're talking about...

Artist Comment
the title is jus to show how when u work on something for so god damn f***ing long and u finish u jus feel like ur on top of the world^^
*edit*guess what it my first group and what better way to start it off then with CLAMP
ok this vec killed my patience for vecs a bit cause this was such an on&off vec im
not laughing. Cause the schedule for this vec was like this
mon:im in a good mood so lets work today^^
skip like two weeks-.-
thurs:oh crap i still have this vec in my folder lets work on it for a while
skip like a week and a half-.-
mon:eh i might as well i got notin to do_._
skip around 2 days_._
fri:lets work on it again cause i frgot about it
SAT:i finishO.O(YYESSS! XD)
yes i know it was like the gayest schedule ever_._
now the info
Time:its up there but thats the time i tooke with breaks so this took give or take 2 and a half weeks(without breaks)
fun:depended on my mood but other then that this was like an "eh" vec
Credits: Approaching Darkness by Marissa
support the groups yadda yadda yadda-.-
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kashikosa Jul 15, 2007
milla-chan Jul 15, 2007
WOW, you vectored that? thats must have hard work
but it really fantastic, the details are brilliant :D
thanks for sharing it. -
Omone Jul 15, 2007
you must be insane but very very great work. love everything about it.. so nice..
it looks so amazing.. thanks a lot for you effort=Dtake care and have a nice day
AngelKate Jul 15, 2007
Oh wow, I can't believe you vectored all this! It looks great! All the details and coloring are very well done. I can image what a pain this was! The hard work paid off though. Wonderful job!
flordeplata Jul 15, 2007
OH! I love Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles! WOW!It's just amazing! I love the image! Thanks a lot for your effort and for sharing with us! n_n Excellent work! ;D
SakuraShirayuki Jul 15, 2007
okay there are a few itzy bitzy little mistakes but i'm oblivious to them XD
it's a nice vector and i'm sure as hell is was hell to vector
actually i wanted to vector this pic to but then i decided against it and to start on another one^^
gosh you can tell me about this off and on vectoring! it's the same way i vector XD -
XxYukirinxX Jul 15, 2007
Wow 0.0. Beautiful job on the vectors. That took a lot of work. Wonderful job! ^^
starrliteangel Jul 15, 2007
woww looks like a pretty complicated vector! I see some coloring parts sticking out from behind the outlines, and the blurred wings on kurogane's robe looks a bit odd because pretty much everything else has clear outlines. I like how sakura and fye's hair has thin lines, i like that style, but then syaoran has thick lines in his hair so that kind of throws you off. I think if youre going to make some things look painty, then you need to add more of that rather than doing it in just parts of the scan.
auel1124 Jul 15, 2007
wahh... I wanted to vector this one too... but got lazy XD
some critics: the coloring is weird... maybe too lightened, it would look better if you darken it a bit...
the eyes are weird too, specially sakura`s... try fixing them
and also, some lines are quite jaggedbut anyway, good job! it must have been a hard work
moonescape Jul 15, 2007
When I first saw this posted after 2 hrs ago Iw as stunned. I know how difficult it would've been and specialy when you had so much outlining. D:
There may be some jagged lines, but because you worked so hard I believe you deserve a fave. ;)
Faqir Jul 16, 2007
all hail your perseverance! ^^
melaniebarrow Jul 16, 2007
only one word: wow!
midsummer Jul 16, 2007
whoaaa... you're insane to vector the whole thing!
you have lotsa patience :D -
songborn Jul 16, 2007
good work!
Blueheart Jul 16, 2007
the painting is outstanding. I like it a lot. the only problem of this vector is the lines. some lines are not ok and give a strange feeling while seeing the image. if you could improve that, this vector would be perfect.
xiaodick Jul 16, 2007
awesome and amazing vector..
Saikusa Retired Moderator Jul 16, 2007
Such beautiful details! It's a perfect reproduction!
midnightLOVERS Jul 16, 2007
wow. this is completely amazingly.
i cant believe you vectored it.
it has great detail and amazing color
=] -
pamkips Jul 16, 2007
Yeah, I totally agree with Starr :O
but besides what she said, I'm in <3 with this
vector, awesomely done -
yui20 Jul 17, 2007
Really complicated vector eh? xD ! I know it was very hard ...
And yea, I have the same feeling as you do lol ~ ^^
Definitely worth a fav =3 -
MapleRose Retired Moderator Jul 18, 2007
wow you're insane to vector that XD
nice work, though I'm not too fond of the smudged birds on Kurogane's shirt, they look different from the other patterns and look kinda weird...
mystvearn Jul 18, 2007
very nice wallpaper
Mitsuki24 Jul 18, 2007
Wow...this is simply amazing and beautiful vector xD
I really <3 it. Looks like alot of work though :O
Sakura-Dust Jul 18, 2007
Wonderful! The vec program might be a lil' odd, but the result simply makes you forget about it, right? It's a great piece of work! Many details carefully traced, simply great!
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