
Usa Hinayuki: Petal Catcher

Usa Hinayuki, Vector Art
Usa Hinayuki Mangaka Vector Art Source


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Ahhh who is this cute mystery girl?! When I first saw her, I wanted to vector her and make a wallie out of her but I found it looking good with just a plain solid color as the background so I left it. Since it's too plain to be submitted as a wallpaper, i decided to submit it as a vector. I like how her eyes came out. It was actually colored like that by accident XD Ph wellz, it looks good so don't matter!

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  1. temarigenius Jul 08, 2007

    She's so cute~
    Nice vector! It seems perfect!~
    Hmm... I wonder who she is....

  2. yui20 Jul 09, 2007

    It looks really nice =D !
    I guess mod should move it to -> http://browse.minitokyo.net/s/649/hinayuki-usa/
    Since it has its own section for this vector ^^ ~

  3. AnimesKA Sep 19, 2007


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