
Fruits Basket Wallpaper: Sheep's Precious Tiger

Natsuki Takaya, Fruits Basket, Hiro Sohma, Kisa Sohma Wallpaper
Natsuki Takaya Mangaka Fruits Basket Series Hiro Sohma Character Kisa Sohma Character

2048x1536 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

The first thing I have to say is that this wallie completely reminds me of Macy's.
You know, the store! Macy's!
It looks like those photos they'd put advertising Fall clothing for boys and girls!
So weird...

Anyway, this wallie was not brush-whored (don't throw tomatoes! >.<).
All the leaves you see have been imprinted there with the "eraser tool".
The only thing there that was made with brushes was the firey leaf at the bottom.

I wanted the other leaves to stick out more, but I wanted to change the bg's color and make it whiter without effecting the leaf. To be honest, the leaf got the way it did without me knowing, but I think it looks really good!

Extraction of Kisa and sheep boy was tough for me. Because it's hard to cut out a manga photo and put it on a background with a different picture because the colors in the original drawing smudge together. 'specially in the hair. X3

But anyway, I hope everyone likes it! I decided to try my hand at something simple. Amazingly, this ended up being the hardest wallie I've made. I needed more than a week. =_=

I think I used MissM's brushes again from DA! :3
And yes, this is yet another wallie I made for the RainfallingLove club.

This work featured at RainfallingLove, Kyandee-Anime-no-Jutsu, sakura--cb

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  1. SupermilkchanChii Jul 06, 2007


  2. Klein Jul 06, 2007

    lol, macy's? XD

    nice job, sleet! i like it! ^________________^

  3. PinkPrincessAyu-Chan Jul 06, 2007

    The background is already good, but the scan is bit too bright to me

  4. Freyanen Jul 06, 2007

    KISAAAA! Kawaiii! The scan it

  5. yukiyo Jul 08, 2007

    BUAHAHAHAHAHA! MINE! MINE! MINE! <33333 that is so uber ADORABLE!

    *clicks favorites button* ;D

  6. FutatsuNoNegai Jul 11, 2007

    Kawaii! I like it! Kisa is so cute!<3 it's a fave!

  7. marito55 Mute Member Apr 16, 2010

    what a beautiful wallpaper this divine nn
    thank you very much for uploading nn

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