I think you did it quite nicely. it looks a bi grainy on thumbnail view, i'm not sure how it really is.
it doesn't feel so empty, the diagonal contrasts strike the eye very well.
congratulations. ^_^
I forget to submit this here ^^"""
This is my work for the war, battle between VA and SWM. Rules: gonzo anime vector, just 5 colors + black and white.
To the idea:
I learned heraldry at the University (coat of arms). I though, how should be the coat of arm if Romeo and Juliet would
be official married. This is the fusion of the Montague coat of arms and the Capulet coat of arms, with some extra.
To the wallpaper:
I made first the coat of arm, it was maybe the easiest, because I know what I wanted to do. The hardest came after,
because I didn't have any idea for the rest. I tried many way of the bg until I was satisfied with the wallpaper.
This just 5 colors killed me, I mistook the number of the colors twice, so I had to change the colors, and I had to made
twice the swirls because it was not sharp enough.
Now Romeo and Juliet has a coat of arm, but can they reach it?
Comments and favs are appreciated!
Many many thanks to my team! :)
I know it is maybe a littlebit empty, but I like it in that way.
Browse Romeo x Juliet Gallery: Recent | Popular.
I think you did it quite nicely. it looks a bi grainy on thumbnail view, i'm not sure how it really is.
it doesn't feel so empty, the diagonal contrasts strike the eye very well.
congratulations. ^_^
i don't think it looks empty, if u'd add anything else it would look too full, the choice of colors is
Very nice~! You did a good job with colors and such. Keep up the good job. ^^
I love these colours and the concept is really good. The vectoring is clean, it's not grainy but could really be
more sharp. I dont think this is empty at all, it leaves a lot to your imagination!
anyways, nice job and good luck in the contest ^_^
i like the color...nice work!
*whistles* Very creative and abstract, I like it a lot! ^__^
awesome wallpaper! XD
i've just been watching romeo X juliet! this is an awesome wallpaper! simple, sharp and clean! the colours are nice
and the background looks magnificent! i also love the emblem in the middle where the two household are united! the
wallpaper is very eye-catching as well!
i love it! great job! XD
WOWAH! this one is so cool! I really like the mixture of the two house symbols. So beautiful! the Swirls as the background is a nice touch to this. LOVE!
For the longest time I considered doing the same thing!Ithought that the two crests looked like they were supposed to be one anyway, each with a half wing!
Very nice! Loved the coat of arms and the tones you gave to the entire wallpaper, congrats!
Really nice wallie! It looks really nice. I really like the colors. The really fit together really well, and they look lively. I don't think it looks empty, and I really like the felling it transmit by having only two arms. The vector is grat and the design of the background is lovely. You did a good job, keep it up! :D
somehow seeing this wall felt very tragic D:
reminds me of school days lol.
you used just 5 colors? and yet you still managed to make it look interesting...something not easy to accomplish :D
keep up the good work!
Congratulations! you did a good work, you expressed all the anime (basicly):)
What a classic shot and a great wallpaper! Love it! :)
thanks for sharing thanks for sharing
woah i love that emblem design of both house joined and great wallie too
nice wallpaper; well done
excelente vectorizacion del escudo..muy buena la imagen...gracias por compartirla...
what a nice wallpaper =D I love it!
muchas gracias por las imagenes estan muy buenas
great art it is...:)
thanks for the wallpaper...
i love this .... this is so coollllllllll............... thx yaaaa
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