
X Wallpaper: Dream, Nightmare, Sacrafice

CLAMP, Madhouse, X, Kotori Monou Wallpaper
CLAMP Mangaka Madhouse Studio X Series Kotori Monou Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hello all,

This wallie took several tries, but I hope I achieved my goal.

For those not familiar with X/1999, the featured character is Kotori, who is like a virgin sacrificed before the altar of the ultimate power, Kamui. The manga contained many bloody yet fluidly beautiful dream sequences and that atmosphere is what I hope to convey.


The bloody pool is taken from stock photos and colour transformed many times

The blood droplets are cutouts from bloody stock photos, transformed, and motioned blurred so they look like they are falling (I hope?)

Here's the widescreen version

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  1. emoi Jul 03, 2007

    You have a very interesting idea/concept here. My most favorite part is the light swirl thingy, that's really nice and I'd like to learn how to do that. :D There are some strange "particles" in the picture I'm not sure what: a dark tan-colored rectangle under this orange-red part of the blood area, and then to the right of that (about 300 pixels away if i remember correctly), there's this black splotch, like a hole, i dunno.
    I also think the part of kotori is a little strange. The rest of your picture seems very 3-D with the shadings (and i'm sure it is since they are stock photos as you said). However, when it coms to Kotori's picture, it's kind of flat and 2-D like and not very "Wow!" like the rest of your wallpaper.

    Overall, I think your wallpaper is real good and you've done a very nice job. Thumbs up. :)

  2. Offkorn Jul 03, 2007

    Hmm, that rectangle looks a bit like it could've been text of some sort.

    I think that Kotori being 2D contrasts nicely with the 2D bg though, it gives it a bit of a 'frame' or 'window' look.

  3. Chingers Jul 03, 2007

    Hm...I knew there is something else I can work on.

    I updated the wallie with a more 3D version, the 2Dness was not intentional. thanks for picking that up.

  4. Nheira Feb 01, 2008

    nice pic

  5. shalmalitrc Dec 10, 2009

    its lovely especially the part with the blood love it

  6. yukinobara Dec 25, 2009

    nice wallpaper!thanks a lot*_*

  7. DragonBlood Jul 23, 2011

    This is the best wallpaper I found so far! The pooled blood, the droplets, the dark color, and the image of Kotori plus all the other effects work together in a fenomenal way! It's really good!
    Thank you for sharing!

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