You have a very interesting idea/concept here. My most favorite part is the light swirl thingy, that's really nice
and I'd like to learn how to do that. :D There are some strange "particles" in the picture I'm not
sure what: a dark tan-colored rectangle under this orange-red part of the blood area, and then to the right of that
(about 300 pixels away if i remember correctly), there's this black splotch, like a hole, i dunno.
I also think the part of kotori is a little strange. The rest of your picture seems very 3-D with the shadings (and
i'm sure it is since they are stock photos as you said). However, when it coms to Kotori's picture, it's
kind of flat and 2-D like and not very "Wow!" like the rest of your wallpaper.
Overall, I think your wallpaper is real good and you've done a very nice job. Thumbs up. :)