
Tenjou Tenge Wallpaper: City of Delusion

Oh! Great, Tenjou Tenge, Nagi Soichiro, Aya Natsume Wallpaper
Oh! Great Mangaka Tenjou Tenge Series Nagi Soichiro Character Aya Natsume Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Copy pasta from AP

"I will avenge and justify my reasons
With your blood"

Lyrics from Muse - City of Delusion. Couldn't fit them into the wallpaper :(

Made for the Battlegrounds round theme Blood. Rules were 2 characters with a weapon in the foreground. This version is quite different to the original submitted for the war. I didn't really have any time to make progress on the background. I was up until 3AM and 4am consecutively on the nights before the submission deadline >.<

Fire from tutorial: http://www.ningen.nattoli.net/tutorials/fire

Anyway, yeh, enjoy. I think it looks a little cramped but whatever. Needed to fit both vectors in there somehow...

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  1. rollingmreg Jun 30, 2007

    It is a splendid picture.

  2. A-Chan01 Jul 01, 2007

    WOW! Dude this is totally hardcore to look at! And the colours are awsome! DATTE BAYO! You did a kick ass job mate!

  3. bromithia Retired Moderator Jul 01, 2007

    Beautiful vector of the characters, I just wish the fire looked less tutorial-ized :L It looks nice overall though, so keep up the good work!

  4. pamkips Jul 07, 2007

    Oh I love that song, so original, nywho nicely done, I just have
    to agree with Brom, Anywho, nicely done :D

  5. Sakura-Dust Jul 30, 2007

    It's beautiful!
    So wild and original!
    I really like it!
    My fav it Maya, not Aya, but except for that, the wallpaper is perfect!
    Great anime Tenjou Tenge, works wonders on wallies ^^

  6. NagiSouichiro Banned Member Aug 25, 2008

    I love that picture of Souichiro, I loved the fire added to it as well.

  7. traitimlucifer Jul 25, 2009

    this is definitely different from one i've seen months ago...
    this is way way better!
    i like the dark touch it has and the flowers and butterflies fit so well!

  8. john05061979 May 06, 2010

    very nice! thanks for sharing!

  9. lolalola May 19, 2010

    wow coolll one. Great Job.

  10. The17thNoah Jul 01, 2010

    this pic looks awesome! :)

  11. xxJouxx Aug 10, 2010

    Una pareja explosiva si me lo preguntan

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