
Kunie Kanbara Wallpaper: Glass Wings

Kunie Kanbara, RESET, Vector Art Wallpaper
Kunie Kanbara Mangaka RESET Artbook Vector Art Source

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Sometimes it's hard to find the ground
Cause I keep on falling as I try to get away
From this crazy world

-- February Song by Josh Groban

For Vectory's contest. I used two songs for inspiration actually, "February Song" and "The Sacred Moon" (opening theme of Tsukihime). "The Sacred Moon" has no lyrics, but the gothic-sounding melody, as well as parts of the opening animation where she's falling, helped me imagine the picture.

Why something like this? A while back I guess I was feeling a bit anxious and sad, feeling as if I can't fly on my own wings, and it gave me the idea of glass wings breaking apart as I'm falling (btw I'm feeling much better now ^^)... I've been searching for a nice scan to use, trying lots of stock images, but none of them had the right pose. Then I saw a Kunie scan, and the pose was perfect :)

I used two Kunie scans: RESET16 by kuroimisa for the head and body, and RESET14 by kuroimisa for the dress and legs, and stitched them together. All vectored (her cheek is from gradient), then textured slightly with some cardboard I scanned in ^^

The legs took be forever, 'cause I couldn't find a good angle for them ^^; I tried creating my own, but that ended up looking weird... and I fail at making glass look like glass ^_^' looks more like paper >.> which actually could fit the theme as well. And of course I can't draw wings either....

Was originally gonna do wide-screen, but can't find a good composition that works.. it looks better 5:4 But I did make other resolutions:

Also made an alternate version, where the colours are more faded:
1280x1024 v2
1600x1200 v2
1920x1200 v2

vectory vector-wallers simple-ism celestial-luminesse

More Kunie Kanbara Wallpapers

Browse Kunie Kanbara Gallery: Recent | Popular.

Browse Kunie Kanbara Gallery: Recent | Popular.


  1. Chloe Retired Moderator Jun 27, 2007

    Very cool idea! I love the colors and the vectoring is really neatly done! That glass must have been SO annoying *_*
    Excellent job!

  2. annakee Jun 27, 2007

    i had glass wings too and some mr unknow threw to me one stone... jealousy people T__T
    *throwing u stones* ^^'
    nah' dont believe me. its healthy envy for the concept and for the realization. an achievement.

  3. Sinever Jun 27, 2007

    what an impressive work Maple-chan :D
    I love the concept of your wall :)
    the glass must have been troublesome XD
    the vector is awesome & I love its colors XD
    well done :) its a fav

  4. mikie Jun 27, 2007

    whoa what an awesome wallpaper! Really love it! +fav

  5. fawna-chan Jun 27, 2007

    Hey! You did good stitching the two scans together and there's also the vectoring. :) Meh, it doens't look much like glass wings though. Paper wings. :D

  6. inREVERIEforever Jun 27, 2007

    Wonderful job at the vector. And the colors are really nice!
    I love the glass wings and how it's shattered. Great work. :3

  7. yui20 Jun 27, 2007

    The broken glasses must be annoying O.o ~
    Cool vector tho ^^, I really love the color =3

  8. Revan Retired Moderator Jun 27, 2007

    Oh wow... it's so good to return to the wall galleries after some time and come by stuff like this. I really liked misa's scans already so seeing desktop sweeties with this beauties is definitely welcome :3

    I like the composition overall, mostly the color you chose for this and her pose. I feel that the shattered glass wings came out alright as it still gives the idea you had IMO.

    Simple & clean vectoring plus a composition that has actually a meaning is something you don't get to see often. Hello new desktop!

  9. sailorchiron Jun 27, 2007

    Wow, this is amazing. I love the concept of glass wings shattering, the colors and textures are great and it's over all just lovely. Great work!

  10. pamkips Jun 27, 2007

    Clean, simple, and awesomely vectored :]
    And the idea is awesome :] Wings shattering? Wow
    Anywho, awesomely done~

  11. DancingBlades Jun 27, 2007

    The wall is great. The vectoring is awesome and the idea is very creative. +fav

  12. alterlier Jun 28, 2007

    nice way to incorporate both scans, I was actually trying to remember if I had already download that one until I read the description, I like how the earth colors are working in here and of course that goes with the vector too, coolie.

  13. Lariel Jun 28, 2007

    ;) Nice one. I love the colours; fascinating, really.

  14. Fran Retired Moderator Jun 28, 2007

    I love the idea! and the vectoring is great too. Must have been really annoying! Kudos to you :D
    Really excellent way of using both scans.
    Great work

  15. gaara-no-shukaku Jun 29, 2007

    woot, your entry!

    Very cool idea, although I feel that the texture is no good. Yeah, vectoring glasses and try to make them look like glasses is hard, I know..
    The background is freehand vectored, I guess. It seems Kunie's works are getting popular eh?

  16. FallenAngelZoicyte Jun 29, 2007

    this is amazing! very good vector.

  17. starrliteangel Jun 30, 2007

    nice colors and vector. I love the idea! Kunie Kanbara is <3

    merged: 06-30-2007 ~ 09:27am
    actually, now that I viewed it a second time..heres a suggestion - I have no clue how it'll work out, but you could try making the clouds in the bg painty/softer rather than being so sharp..it'll contrast with the sharpness of the glass I think. Right now it seems like everything is so sharp and...sharp. But its one of those suggestions where its a hate it or love it and you dont know what it'll look like unless you try it out.

  18. moonescape Jun 30, 2007

    Awww.... That's so sad. :( I mean this wallpapr gives a sense of hopelessness fomr the girl and she falls down from the sky. I really love the outlines and the colors here though. :)

    The texture as gaar said might've not been that good, but pretty much you still have my fave. ;)

  19. enchantment Jun 30, 2007

    i love the colour scheme and the tones :D nice brown tones XD nice and neat vectoring and composition of the character and its placement in the wall :) nice wall~^^+fav

  20. eternallegend Jun 30, 2007

    the colour tones suit well with the mood and i like the concept of your wall and how everything is portrayed :D the vector is done really well and i like how everything flows in your wall :) lovely wall ^^+fav

  21. Piccolobear Jun 30, 2007

    Such yummy colours... *Starts craving chocolate*
    It looks almost like a stained glass window with those outlines and that colouring style. All in all, it's a really nice wall. ^_^

  22. Wapy Jul 01, 2007

    Simple, pure ans effective! Nice work, it get's into the eyes! Gives us a warm feeling.

  23. renaye Jul 03, 2007

    wah ... she's free falling ... very angelic wallie

  24. DarthTofu Jul 04, 2007

    That's... I like it.

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