
Kaleido Star Wallpaper: Circus Magic

Gonzo, Kaleido Star, Matteita Sugoi Anthology, Sora Naegino, Vector Art Wallpaper
Gonzo Studio Kaleido Star Series Matteita Sugoi Anthology Artbook Sora Naegino Character Vector Art Source

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

This wall is my entry for kaleidostar-4-ever contest
highlighted at:
vectory cute-wallies vector-wallers feathers-of-eternity

Finally i finished this!
softw: AI-PS Cs2
time: like 20 hours (but all spread in a month OX)
layers: dunno

First of all everything you see here its a vector, every lil star and light, ALL ^.^
just a bit of my cloud brushes at the back :o
vectored the merry-go-round and the wheel from stocks, Kaleido stage from a screenshot, the border is vectored from this green glass scan.
vectored Sora from this, love it cause Sora looks nice and so dreamy ^_^'
The reason why everything is like out of place is because of dreams,
cause our most beautiful dreams of our future look a bit messed up for all the obstacles we find to reach them
like Sora with her dream of being a Kaleido Star, our minds are so filled up with so many things that it looks like a circus, but we all can do magic with our own circus ^_^
a wheel of fortune cause its always doing cycles and no one knows where it will stop, like our lives ^_^'
a merry-go-round that reminds you all the paths you have walked, the hanging moon and stars cause sometimes the good things are placed there always, but you dont notice its beauty until the string is cutted, and a misty city in a dark night that represents the near future and its challenges.

Dedicate this to 2 of the greatest fans of Kaleido Star and two nice friends:Lummy and Izu
many thanks Neko for your support!

art-nouveau wings-lovers

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  1. annakee Jun 07, 2007

    cuchito-chan reportandose! nyaa~
    i know the lot of work that you needed for this. see your own work finished is a price to your own effort.
    ..and in what way... a beuatiful vector, and a excelent wallpaper Angie-chan.

  2. Chloe Retired Moderator Jun 08, 2007

    Very nice! The vectoring is well done, and the background is really nicely done without making the wallpaper over-bearing. Great job!

    P.S. Don't forget your signature! Unless it's there but I can't see it *squints*

  3. rubenz Jun 08, 2007

    Oh my lovely vector ^^ Kaleido star is a good anime XD The vector is neat, though I prefer you used fill path other than strokes but its lovely ^^ Im sure it need a lot of work cose it is so detailed ^^

  4. pamkips Jun 08, 2007

    I love circus's and this wall made me love them
    even more, Fabulous job <3

  5. sailorchiron Jun 08, 2007

    Great job! Nice color balance, not too crazy, just enough movement, very nice.

  6. CarbonR Jun 08, 2007

    oh wow, my fav colors (DARK) gj on this i actually really like it, gives off a good vibe i will fav this because it reminds me of a good memory and i hope your piece for the vectory contest will be like this or better

  7. kime91 Jun 08, 2007

    Really cool wallpaper. I love all the colors. There are many colors but it doesn't look too busy to me. Great work!

  8. Elyvania Jun 08, 2007

    It's one of the most incredible wallpapers I've seen in this place, not only it's looks extremely creative, but the whole concept looks original and fresh, it's almost like a flawless dream or an original carnival, it's shows the highlights of the circus of life in a subbtle form of magic, I love it.

    Very well done, you won another favorite XD (the 25 from you in my list lol just joking). It's soooo pretty ahhh.

  9. ArtificialRaindrop Jun 08, 2007

    This is by far my favorite KaleidoStar wallpaper! It's so creative, and perfectly executed, and all the bright colors mixed with the night sky and shadows really capture the feel of a carnival. If only you had it in widescreen, I'd use it on my desktop! It's lovely ^_^

    merged: 06-08-2007 ~ 11:30am
    (sorry, I know this is gonna merge, but I'm sorry not replying to your pm before you posted this wall! I was gone all weekend -_- )

  10. littlejonny100 Retired Moderator Jun 08, 2007

    I recently finished watching Kaleido Star and have been looking for an awesome wallpaper to use for a while.....THIS IS IT!

    It's impressive that was all done by vector and even though you say everything is out of place, I think it's perfect. Dreams aren't straight forward and neither would a circus be. I find having the stars on strings was great because it shows how easily you can reconstruct the world. I haven't made many favourites recently however this wall is deserving, good work!

  11. PrincessCathloren Jun 08, 2007

    Wow! So nice! I love it! Keep up the good work! ^_^

  12. Sinever Jun 08, 2007

    Im speechless X-chan :o
    really Im impressed :)
    everything is vectored perfectly XD
    well done :D

  13. miky23 Jun 08, 2007

    wooooo i like KaleidoStar, I love circus's, and colors this wall.
    very very nice.

  14. yui20 Jun 08, 2007

    This is really pretty and cute =D ~
    It reminds of my childhood ^^ Fantasy feeling on this wallie

  15. lthnadml Jun 08, 2007

    This is really a dreamy wall. Everything it looks so nice;y colorful, your vector work is very very good ... My gongratulations for your wonderful work. XD XD XD

  16. Lum-sann Jun 08, 2007

    Wow! thanks a lot Angie-chan! :D i love kaleido Star! thanks a lot for the dedication! ^_^
    The wallpaper is so so nice! it's incredible how did u make the wallpaper to the smallest detail! Sora's scan is fitting perfectly in there! i love to see the hm ^_^' "roda" you know XD it's so cute! and everything has nice colors you matched everything well ^^ i love to see the moon really looks cute! Congrats Angie-chan! you made the most wonderful wallpaper of Kaleido Star i've ever saw! ^_^
    It's a big fav! ^^ oh and thanks a lot again! ^_^ it's a wonderful gift! :D

  17. Fran Retired Moderator Jun 08, 2007

    OMG! So FANTASTIC <3<3<3<3
    Everything...it's lovely.
    I have always love Kaleido Star and this HAS to be the most amazing wallpaper of the category!
    Gorgeous work ^^
    Feat. At F-o-E

  18. IzumiChan Jun 08, 2007

    OMG, so wonderful, Xan-chan! >.<
    The Kaleido Stage looks so pretty, and the carnival outside is just so magical!~ >_<
    All the stars and the masks give a bit of a scary mood, which makes it even better! O.O
    I loved the sign with Fool on it... so cute! XD (nobody commented it until now~ >.< XD )
    Thanks a lot for the dedication! It's wonderful to spread Kaleido love, isn't it~ XD
    Actually, I started (a looong time ago~ XD ) a wallie of Sora and she was wearing the same outfit as in this... (it's not the same scan, tough~)
    Now I feel like finishing it! Is it Kaleido love spreading? XD
    Thanks for making such a great work, I loved it! ^_^

  19. chikage-kekinha Jun 09, 2007

    Wow! Really beautiful! XD
    the vector is really well done! I loved your background \o/ :)
    your wallie is amazing :D
    wonderful work! XD

  20. enchantment Jun 09, 2007

    i love the circus idea :) the circus and the character is vectored really nicely and the clouds are really nice :) night time theme XD nice wall~^^

  21. eternallegend Jun 09, 2007

    i like the idea and the way you brought everything together :D the colours all blend well and the vector is done nicely :D the concept is nice and i like the atmosphere created :) the stars and moon add a nice touch and i like the way everything has been arranged :D great wall ^^

  22. A-Chan01 Jun 09, 2007

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOW! That's going on my desktop right now! DATTE BAYO! Oh! oh! *jumps up and down* look at all the pretty lights! And the detail! And i see the Fool! Dude, your wallie is hardcore! Awsome work!

  23. DREAM Jun 09, 2007

    sorry for the late response lady xangel0- i was away for a few days. i do in fact prefer the other version but i am impressed by your lovely vectoring and the use of the color "white". ^^

  24. OrpheusTheBard Jun 10, 2007

    Hello! Lum showed me this wallpaper, and I have to say I'm VERY impressed. It's evident the amount of work you have put into this. The amount of detail is amazing, and really brings the wallpaper to life. Congratulations, you're very talented ^^ +fav

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