
Samurai Champloo Wallpaper: A Never Ending Battle

Samurai Champloo, Mugen, Jin Wallpaper
Samurai Champloo Series Mugen Character Jin Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Well this wall was made because I saw a scan at AP and wanted to put it in my desktop since I liked how its featured and the angle of the picture but by the time I opened it it was very dirtry and low quality so to fix that and be able to use it I vectored it, all is vectored except the text a never ending battle it was 347 shape layers.

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  1. Ultra-Violet Jun 07, 2007

    My word! After 347 shape layers anyone would be exhausted! Swordfish, exhaustion aside, being a personal fan of the Samurai Champloo series, I simply must say, this piece will become a flawless classic among affiliated fans.
    Undoubtedly putting this work together was a labour of love. Its simple but dynamic and dramatic screen angle can only be appreciated by series' followers. I can't fault it!
    Fantastic! ^__^

  2. booniechick Jun 07, 2007

    Hey wow, thanks for this. There arent many good samurai champloo walls out there. I have to agree with ultra-violet about everything. The simple shapes and colours, and the angle of the shot keep with the whole style of the series. The only thing I could say about this wall is that some of the lines are just a bit jagged, but that's kind of hard to avoid.
    good job, and thanks ^.^

  3. bromithia Retired Moderator Jun 07, 2007

    The vector could use more work, as it's rough in some areas. But nice job anyways.

  4. fawna-chan Jun 08, 2007

    Awesome style. I haven't seen anything like this. So like Samurai Champloo too. :)

  5. ChuchoJaggerjack Nov 25, 2008

    i love this battle

  6. kasandora3 May 09, 2009

    I like this wallpaper of jin and mugen - thanks for sharing!

  7. RoyCheke Banned Member Nov 25, 2010

    quien prefieren para fuu? mugen o jin?
    con mugen es que in es como muy serio para ella pero
    tambien me gustaria que se quedara con los dos xDD!

  8. Prokopyan Apr 13, 2011

    You are my favourite wallpaper-maker. Amazing work.

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