Oh this is superb, I love the simplicity and the style of the vector, it kind on looks like it was painted, and She Wants Revenge, makes it the more appealing <3
Artist Comment
She Wants Revenge - Broken Promises for Broken Hearts
Pay attention my love cause its over
At the tip of my tongue is the price you weren't willing to pay
Still this is something akin to a breakdown
And your impression of a woman supposed to be easy to see
That there'd be torn up photos and lonely nights
Cursing crying and drawn out fights
Make up sex and a brand new start
Broken promises for broken hearts
When you look back now was it special?
Or was it nothing but anecdote that you can tell now and then
I delude myself it was worth it
Even though from the beginning I could see exactly how it would end
edit : THIS IS MY SUBMISSION FOR THE VECTORY CONTEST, apparently i cant finish the other
piece in time
this is an example of what maybe to do, this is what i see when i listen to the song. and this is a taste kashi of whats
to become of you at the end of this contest, I WILL CRUSH YOU! hehehe
anyways this wall took me in total 2 days to do (with 4 days in between for FORZA2 YEA!), 1 day for the vector and
approx 5 hours for the whole photoshop thing. there are maybe 50 layers give or take. anyways i absolutely love
"she wants revenge" it may be weird to some but the lyrics are what makes me go awwww yeaaaa. so yea i hope
you guys will like it and i hope this answers some possible questions pertaining to the challenge.
-btw widescreen only sry-
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pamkips Jun 04, 2007
Chloe Retired Moderator Jun 05, 2007
Yay for examples!
Love the colors and the vectoring is really well done, great job! -
yui20 Jun 05, 2007
This is really lovely =D ~~
I just really love the color in this wallie
Full of Japanese culture's feeling XD -
fawna-chan Jun 05, 2007
Oh...how pretty! XD
Strange title to match with this serene vector though. -
kashikosa Jun 05, 2007
I am so gonna win with you! Nonetheless, this wallie is really apealing, already told you I wuv it! When I get bored of my current wallie this one will be my new desktop ^^ And about our yersterday conv 'bout brushing - damn you have good imagination lol
Sinever Jun 05, 2007
you have vectored it in 2 days?! WOW man your good at vectoring :)
well I like the bg.....its wonderful & it fits well with the vector
well done
DREAM Jun 05, 2007
looks better with the text-less version cropped right to left at 1600x1200.
i would have liked to seen that scan should have been used for the contest.
Revan Retired Moderator Jun 05, 2007
I really like this wall... if I had to be picky though I'd say I'm not too fond of the circles. Mostly because they don't fit for me, but also noticed they are a bit jagged.
So for me the textless version wins all the way. But just because it doesn't have them ;)
Moniquinha Jun 06, 2007
This looks really beautiful!
You've made a great job with the colors and background! Congrats!
It's a fav for sure!
Bye... :) -
magicmarkers Jun 14, 2007
wow the long neck of hers creeps me out! nonetheless i really like the wallpaper
fatimamanatiga Feb 19, 2010
you love japanese culture! like it too
merged: 02-19-2010 ~ 01:09pm
wow....how revengeful heheheheheh -
AbyssDoll Oct 23, 2010
This is really awesome!
Japanese lady is so lovely -
Randyly Oct 28, 2010
awsome wallpaper thanks 4 sharing
merged: 10-28-2010 ~ 07:33am
awsome wallpaper thanks 4 sharing
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