
Gun x Sword Wallpaper: Just Bring It

Takahiro Kimura, Gun x Sword, Van (Gun x Sword) Wallpaper
Takahiro Kimura Mangaka Gun x Sword Series Van (Gun x Sword) Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Well finally got around to finish this wallpaper
this is one of 4 projects i have been working on and off for quite awhile as i would start it then put it aside for an indefinite period of time due to work and other commitments
not much to say , both Michael and Van were vectored by myself and then worked on the background
hope you all like it

any comments or criticism is always welcome

Edit: Monday 1:16am 28/05/07
i decided to change things as i wasn't happy with the way it turned out
took out then vector of Micheal ansd replaced it with Dan
i wanted to give the impression that Dan is in the distance and Van is up close
i changed the background to a day scene and i think it worked out better in the end...personally i dont mind it
and as others have pointed out the tree had to go
i know the background looks empty but i think it suits the overall picture

anyway enough rambling

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  1. Chloe Retired Moderator May 26, 2007

    The vectors are really well done and I like the sky, but that tree is a bit strange, doesn't seem to fit with the clean and hq vectors.

  2. vatican92 May 27, 2007

    Vector I see......
    Everything seems to be fine and good but the vectors seem too bold compared to the bg's color.......

  3. k1ru May 27, 2007

    as Chloe-chan said, the vectors are well done! And about the sky.. why dont you try to make vectored the clouds? it will be match your vectored scans!

  4. inREVERIEforever May 27, 2007

    Wow the vector is really nice!
    And the background's pretty nice too. But I don't like the grass/wheat infront of Dan...?
    Overall, it's a great wallpaper!

  5. dngo86 May 28, 2007

    Nice. I don't see much wallpapers on Gun X Sword, so it's nice to see your work specifically on this anime.

  6. lthnadml May 28, 2007

    your vectors are, as always, very very well done! ;) the background is a little simple but if you think that works better in that way. I didn't see the tree in the backround though! ;)
    Thank you for the share pana! XD XD XD

  7. TheTaliban007 Jul 05, 2007

    really really nice...this is a fantastic piece of art

  8. holykin Mute Member Apr 13, 2009

    ThAnK you nice wallpaper

  9. Feychan Sep 09, 2009

    O I liked it! ^^

  10. freecy Apr 09, 2010

    dann n van...


  11. hgrcausing Feb 15, 2011

    Nice. I don't see much wallpapers on Gun X Sword, so it's nice to see your work specifically on this anime.

  12. Athrun-Bra Oct 06, 2012

    Awesome...Wake up Dann...Van rules \o/

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