
Der Jen: Der Jen 14

Der Jen, Beauty of Brocade
Der Jen Mangaka Beauty of Brocade Artbook


Scanned by Abraxsis. From Beauty of Brocade artbook.

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  1. Toya999 May 25, 2007

    waaa~ lovely pieces of art! *sniffz* magnificent and elegant masterpieces indeed! ^^

  2. kokuyu May 25, 2007

    can't realy say much.....i feel her eyes are telling me something~ XD

  3. LadyGoddessCeres Jan 19, 2008

    Another lovely Korean-inspired piece! The little hairpin is so cute, but I wonder how it stays on her head! ^_^ She has a very sweet face, and I love her hanbok!

  4. Maddery Jan 10, 2010

    The dress somehow reminds me of Korean dresses. So which one is this: Chinese clothes or Korean clothes?

  5. jaeyu Feb 19, 2010

    it's beautiful
    thanks 4 sharing

  6. mojaa Nov 22, 2010

    thank you for the best pic

  7. kurolucifer Dec 03, 2010

    gracias por compartir esto

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