
Zero no Tsukaima Wallpaper: |Scribbles and Smiles on A Saturday Morning|

J.C. Staff, Zero no Tsukaima, Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière Wallpaper

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

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Textures by: DA! Desktop Anime
DA! Resources
Scan extracted by: egandt of Daisuki

Sorry not much in a explaining mood,
I have a splitting headache >_>

But I decided to check notifs and thus
just submit the wallie.

Second try at trying to make a bedroom
theme with the floor, I added a window this time,
except frames as in my Haruhi wallie.

The window is very basic and not as good,
but it's just constructed of simple lines
and darken/lightening features.

Used the burn tool to darken the scan so it
looks as if she's in a bedroom and it's morning
with the light hitting her.

Any suggestions I'll get to later, and
try to make it look better. Comments and all
welcomed and enjoy <3

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  1. cassandraronald May 20, 2007

    *full views*
    wow lovely wall
    I like the way you postioned her and the light that's hitting her ^^

  2. sakuya-sama May 20, 2007

    nicelly done my friend ^^ loved everything :D

  3. moonescape May 20, 2007

    Yeah, the light wasn't very good! It's always nice to use the burn tool though. =D

    It's very nice how you made it scribbles on the wall. :x

    The problem might be that the wallpaper feels quite flat. It might be because of the window light and the shadows. The ray of light needs to touch some of the girl's clothes I think.

    Sorry not much to say about it. I'm not in the mood to talking too since I'm going to the movies right now. :sweat:

  4. chikage-kekinha May 20, 2007

    so cute^^
    I really like the background :)
    lovely scan :D
    about the lights.. I agree with moonescape..
    your wallie is well done \o/ XD
    great job :)

  5. moonlight-shawdow May 20, 2007

    aww kitty so cute^^
    I lkes it to much to even hate it.

  6. Chloe Retired Moderator May 20, 2007

    Actually, there won't be any resolutions on EDD until I get home on Monday >.<
    But you know what I think about this ;)

  7. Rhonda21 May 20, 2007

    Very cute! I like how you did the wall with the scribbles and all that, its a nice idea. The floor looks good too. The left panel of the window though doesn't look quite right. It looks different then the right since the lines don't connect and the bottom is different. But I don't know. And I like the clouds but I think it would have matched more maybe with some vector looking clouds or something because they look a bit too real unlike everything else. But the girl is cute, it's a cool idea and everything is pretty well done. Nice work!

  8. ric8252 May 21, 2007

    You just keep getting better and better. By far my favorite of you work. Outstanding.

  9. Riccio May 30, 2007

    aww sooo cute! ^^
    +fav ;)

  10. pamkips Jun 02, 2007

    Oh Kitten, your amazingness is beyond me

  11. WWLAOS Sep 03, 2007

    That's a really neat look you got with the "scribbles" on the wall. I really like it. The floor looks nice, but it's really hard to tell where the floor meets the wall, and with the necessary 2D-nature of the wallpaper it seems that the two are one and the same...which makes it look like she's laying on the wall. It's a bit disorienting. Also, while the right half of the window looks really nice, the left half is sort of off-kilter and makes it look like it's angled out for some reason, almost like the wall itself has suddenly changed orientation.

  12. sachiel88 Nov 14, 2008

    Zero no louise...ver cute ^^

    Thanks for sharing

  13. killburn Mute Member Dec 12, 2009

    I like this story.

    thank you so much for sharing.

  14. Sashasurena Dec 24, 2009

    She very pretty>..)))^_________^

  15. RealForce Mar 14, 2010

    So Cute-ne :D

    Love it ^^ +fav
    thx u.

  16. Karbonix Jul 13, 2010

    Great Job ! Thanks you for sharing

  17. locosss01 Aug 10, 2010

    I like this story.

    thank you so much for sharing.

  18. Tuyukunka Sep 08, 2010

    Muy buen wallpaper sigue asi man...

  19. surfinternet222 Oct 14, 2010

    >//////////////////< nice

  20. harima94 Nov 14, 2010

    very good picture zero no tsukaima

  21. wafflefox Dec 20, 2010

    the colors are so awesome!
    thanx for sharing! :3

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