
Kingdom Hearts: Riku Edit

Square Enix, Kingdom Hearts, Riku, Member Art
Square Enix Studio Kingdom Hearts Game Riku Character Member Art Source


Artist Comment

This is the edited version of the previous art, Pretty Riku.

I clean the dirty areas and make it more realistic. TO be frank, I think this Riku look more feminine then ever. Just want to make him look real beautiful. He can be anyone. But I just love Riku, So i draw him wearing Riku's suit.

I will draw another SD doll art soon. Should be Itahci or Sasuke. Of cos I will love to draw Sora and Roxas. When I have time and patience.

See ya!

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  1. Naruto-Uzumaki May 17, 2007

    You drew this? WOW!

  2. Rhyme097 May 17, 2007

    My god.... You are really good at drawing! I envy you >w<!

  3. epsilon86 May 18, 2007

    Thanks! I practise alot for this. Spend around one month drawing and editing. Take lot of my time and patience... Plan to edit again. Want to add a beautiful background and new characters. Cos he look so lonely...

  4. MapleRose Retired Moderator May 18, 2007

    ooh neat, I like the face and hair especially, very pretty eyes :)

    Um, maybe hair could use a bit more shading to add more depth (did you use the pen tool to outline?) maybe the arms could also use a bit more shading to match the depth of the face.

    yes, background would be nice :) or just a simple colour wash to separate teh hair from the background.

  5. Danielly May 20, 2007

    awesome job here

  6. LauraLeia Jul 09, 2008

    Oh my god... Riku is... pretty?! O_O
    Haha~ Anyway, this is pretty good. (Ignore the pun. XD) Great job!

  7. jese-mx Jun 19, 2009

    I liked the coloredo. Congratulations

  8. ShizukaAkera Jul 12, 2010

    I saw this and was speechless *w*
    it looks so amazing ^^!

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