
Martian Successor Nadesico Wallpaper: .(The Ghost Of You).

Keiji Gotoh, Martian Successor Nadesico, Ruri Hoshino Wallpaper

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

It have a great resolution: Full View Pliz :)

This is my new wallie XD
It's simple, but took me time ^_^'
I did the wall at the back of her, added some textures and used some brushes, not foggeting the effects of color...
So this is the result...

This wallie was inspirated in this part of this music

"At the end of the world
Or the last thing i see
You are
Never coming home
Could I? Should I?
And all the things that you never ever told me
And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me
Never coming home
Could I? Should I?
And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me
For all the ghosts that are never gonna catch me"

My Chemical Romance - The Ghost of You

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  1. Kitaan Retired Moderator May 13, 2007

    I believe this is Carnelian's work.

    Very plain and simple like you
    said, nice wall and nice scan, clean and

    Great Wallie <3

  2. ZonSlashSykato May 13, 2007

    This wall is kinda creepy or scary ... just dont like the feeling .. ... but it does look really good.

  3. Rhonda21 May 14, 2007

    From the title I thought it might be from that song. XD Anyways, nice wall behind her and very cute scan! Nice work!

  4. starrliteangel May 14, 2007

    @Kitten - really? Carnelian? when I first saw this, I thought it was Deus Machina, but I think youre more of an expert on cute girls than I am. lol XD

    Really nice and simple. Like ZonSlash said, I thought it looked creepy from the thumbnail and I expected to see blood hehe. But I dont see any and Im relieved. I just think you need a bit more detail in the wall - its really close up to the girl so you dont really have a concept....just a girl with a wall behind her. So if someone who didnt read your description or title looked at the wall, they wouldnt really get what youre trying to say. Cute scan though, and lighting looks good.

  5. Sinever May 14, 2007

    its a simple but a wonderful wallie
    I like the scan
    well done :)

  6. royaldarkness May 14, 2007

    I am in love with the colour of this wallie :) It's simple, but it's really pretty ^_^

  7. ashleysou May 14, 2007

    Martian Successor Nadesico category...

  8. x-lawss May 14, 2007

    This look great~!
    Simple and nice :)
    Keep it up, and thanks for sharing!

  9. IcyBlade May 14, 2007

    ^^ so nice ^^

  10. Peru-chan May 14, 2007

    Nice, thanks ^-^

  11. norine07 May 14, 2007

    wow nice one, love the scan, really well cleaned~ XD love the textures and brushes~ the colours are really nicely choosen~ well done~ ^-^

  12. Melisandre May 14, 2007

    Nice colors and great textures, congrats :)

  13. Maji May 14, 2007

    I thought of the same song once I read the title! lol.. It's great, isn't it?
    Great work on the wallpaper as well. Totally fits the song! x3

  14. Dragus May 15, 2007

    i like simple and it looks ghostly hahah, great job.

  15. eternallegend May 15, 2007

    the colour is nice and i like the textured effect :) the wall behind her adds a nice touch and i like the way you portrayed your concept :D nice wall ^^

  16. enchantment May 15, 2007

    love how you did the wall and the darkish looking colours are really nice :) love the effect the wall has and the textures are used nicely as well :) nice wall~^^

  17. bella-ella May 16, 2007

    Very pretty. I like the way there seems to be a gradient across as the image fades into shadow. Very pretty. *faves*

  18. chikage-kekinha May 16, 2007

    great wallie!
    it's simple but beautiful XD
    the colour are really nice... lovely scan :)
    I love the textures... really great XD
    Great job :)

  19. cruciare May 16, 2007

    nice as always

  20. annakee May 17, 2007

    just one of fav charas.. and made for one of my favs wallers ^_^ can i ask for more? :P
    beautiful done, sakuya-sama! on my desktop now

  21. Felesya May 19, 2007

    looks like the original scan just a tad bit darker o_O

  22. hinata212 May 19, 2007

    the effect of the wall is nice ^_^

  23. zazuge May 20, 2007

    the girl so kawaii >_<
    Nice wall *fav*
    thanks for sharing ^_^

  24. yui20 May 21, 2007

    Ah ha ^^ The wallpaper does gv me a scary feeling .. kinda sadness and lonely feeling? O.o
    But the wallpaper looks really good, it's really clean and nice XD

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