
Kingdom Hearts: June 2007 - Vector

Shiro Amano, Square Enix, Kingdom Hearts, Naminé, Mickey Mouse
Shiro Amano Mangaka Square Enix Studio Kingdom Hearts Game NaminĂ© Character Mickey Mouse Character


Artist Comment

Well, I guess I'll add my remaining scans since two of them have been up here for a while. X-P

I re-vectored this one myself because my scanner ate the original and it was too cute not to spruce up. ^_^'

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  1. kaisui1tatsu May 11, 2007

    This is a pretty nice vector! However, you could have vectored the rest of Rikku's foot. . . . The perspective is so unique, it would work great in wallpapers if not for the missing part of his foot. That is really the only thing I can complain about. Other than that, this is an awesome vector! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Somnus May 11, 2007

    Sorry. His foot isn't in the original image. The calendar cut off right there...and I don't feel competent enough to try and draw it from imagination. xP

  3. Tiff Jul 10, 2007

    I like this picture.^^

  4. selemental Banned Member Oct 10, 2008

    AWESOME vector! <3

  5. Sakura6632 Jul 13, 2010

    Thanks for sharing I love it it's sooo CUTE!..XD

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