Aww, Seigaku's pillars of support! These two look so awesome together! Tezuka's actually smiling? Wow, just wow. :) Hehe, no Ponta for Echizen, though.
Thanks for the scan!
(not my scan) :D the 2 look so cute OX *this scan come to vivian in animepaper*
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Aww, Seigaku's pillars of support! These two look so awesome together! Tezuka's actually smiling? Wow, just wow. :) Hehe, no Ponta for Echizen, though.
Thanks for the scan!
AWW...Seigaku's two Pillar of cute...they look like Father and Son...hahah..
omigosh. They're smiling at each other. This is a must-have.
O'chibi is so cute xD
I love this pairing xDD
hehe, this is so cute!
love the pillar pair. thanks for sharing!
Tezuka is smiling!
Tezuka is not as strict as usual !
jashin! pro si se estan sonriendo ambos! mm! fuji defiende lo tuyo!
YESSS ^^ TezuRyo! My best favorite couple ever hahahhah *dou iu imi da yo, sore wa?!* :p
very cool scan thank you very much
thanks for sharing! ^_^
have a nice day..
Nice scan.
Thanks for sharing.
Thank you very much for sharing
Thank you very much for sharing
Tezuka and smiling? Oo
Thanks for sharing
xDD ke buen scan! dscjkbdxcm
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