
Okami Wallpaper: Sun God

Okami, Amaterasu Wallpaper
Okami Game Amaterasu Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

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This wallpaper started the moment I saw the cover of the art book for this game. I just had to do something like it. I haven't ever made a wallpaper using textures this much. I normally make wallpapers that have open areas with trees and grass... This was certainly a challenge.
I started with the outline of the wolf first. I found an Illustration that was really well done and used a few different techniques to get the outline and not all of the other colors. (being a lazy guy now a days I just didn't want to draw the whole thing) After that I went in and added some layer effects to get the desired color and texture. Next came the background that paper texture came from a large scan of a poster. I just removed the image from the poster and had a great paper texture for the background. That huge red dot came next. If you saw the cover of the art book you would know why I put a big red dot, with flames in it, on the wall. The insignia at the top right is to insignia on the cover of the Japanese game. I added that for the heck of it.

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  1. Chloe Retired Moderator Mar 18, 2007

    Very cool!
    The vector is well done and I like the designs on the red dot. Nicely done!

  2. pamkips Mar 18, 2007

    Insanely detailed O

  3. moonescape Mar 19, 2007

    This is good! I can see all the details in here and it I thought it was quite challenging. The vector turned out well. :)

    Though the problem is since it's hard to see in thumbnail people wouldn't noticed the details in the gallery. >_< Though definate fave. ;)

  4. gaara-no-shukaku Mar 21, 2007

    Great job on vectoring the detailed lines. But I've to say the texture looks like a mess. Either you've blurred or resized it that happened to make it looks bad in term of quality.

  5. email938 Dec 09, 2008

    very cool okami paper.

  6. krisjunaeien Mar 02, 2009

    It took me sometime to see the figure of what was draw in this, since I dont know where this pic is from, but I like it, nice job

  7. watayukitigraw Feb 04, 2010

    Beautiful paper :3
    Never thought there is an artbook for this game.

  8. angelxxuan Banned Member Jan 24, 2014

    beautiful and outstanding ! a big time okami fan and this piece you did great tribute to +fav

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