
Special A: By Maki Minami (Hana to yume)

Maki Minami, Special A, Kei Takishima, Hikari Hanazono, Calendar
Maki Minami Mangaka Special A Series Kei Takishima Character Hikari Hanazono Character Calendar Source


From the calendar

No other submissions


  1. LRaine May 11, 2007

    Well I don't know what kind of anime it is, but I like it thanks for sharing :D

  2. bulle-dair Aug 26, 2007

    it's look like "Special A" manga

  3. setsuna11 Oct 14, 2008

    It is Special A, someone should change its category.

  4. masumaru Jan 09, 2010

    Wow, it looks beautiful here. Thanks!

  5. Rowina Apr 11, 2010

    Woo I love Kei and Hikari is so funny! >w<

  6. Maddy May 05, 2010

    Beautiful picture~! ^^
    Tahnks for the share!

  7. Jisa Jul 20, 2010

    kya, looks it's very romantic XD

  8. bigkaboum Sep 21, 2010

    Wow this is a great one! *__*
    Thanks for sharing (:

  9. bloodrosevampire Sep 27, 2010

    nice~ thanks for sharing~

  10. 4m46uch1 Mar 04, 2011

    do you want to leap through the window?

  11. LastClyne Oct 13, 2011

    Hikari Kei daisukiiiiii >O<
    arigatou ><

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