
The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi Wallpaper: E.I.N.S.A.M.K.E.I.T.

Noizi Ito, Kyoto Animation, The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi, Mikuru Asahina, Yuki Nagato Wallpaper

1600x1200 Wallpaper

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Einsamkeit - Schoen und traurig zugleich
Solitude - A bittersweet feeling

For the 100 Themes Project @ Instant Noodles

Theme: Solitude

This took me about 24(-2 hours eating, -12 hours sleeping...) hours and this time, it's a coloured Suzumiya Haruhi Wallpaper! Why Yuki? Cuz I like Yuki the most. Haruhi is a freak and Mikuru is ehm just annoying.

Scan: Cicky!
Music: KH, Anime OSTs...
BG: Drawing the bg wasn't as hard as I expected cuz PS has great tools, but I'm quite bad at painting a bg. The colouring took me forever... >__>

EDIT - Thank you for your feedback!
- Removed the text on the floor
- Added some textures for the walls and floor
- Added the missing parts of the bg
- Removed the paper-ish texture
- Changed the theme

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  1. harakiri Mar 09, 2007

    The picture looks beautiful although the happy colours are distracting from the originally intented "solitude mood". But I don't think that's a problem because Yuki never seemed to suffer from her solitude in the series.

    Ich schreibe das einmal auf deutsch, um mich verstaendlicher ausdruecken zu koennen: Die Perspektive sieht schon eindrucksvoll aus, aber es stoert mich, dass man auf das obere Halbgeschoss und die Treppenstufen sehen kann. Anhand von Yukis Bild erkennt man (man sieht ein bisschen auf ihre Fuesse drauf, aber nicht mehr so gut auf ihren Kopf drauf), dass der Horizont sich in etwa auf Kniehoehe befindet. Da man aber das obere Halbgeschoss "von oben" sehen kann, entsteht ein zweiter Horizont, der sich ganz oben im Bild befindet. Den Boden des oberen Halbgeschosses duerfte man unter keinen Umstaenden sehen (ich glaube, man koennte hier ganz flott Abhilfe schaffen, indem man die gruene Wand nach unten erweitert und somit den Boden "verschwinden" laesst).
    Whoa, man muss echt gut aufpassen, alle deutschen Sonderzeichen auf MT zu vermeiden xD

  2. pelusaki Mar 09, 2007

    It's so cute *-*
    Thanks for sharing :)

  3. MapleRose Retired Moderator Mar 10, 2007

    nice work recreating the background, and I like the lighting and colours as well as the textures :)

    a couple of things you might want to fix though: First of all, the perspective of the area to the right of Yuki looks a bit... strange to me. Is the wall supposed to extend all the way to the edge of the wallpaper? it looks like there's a gap at the bottom, but the brown line and the yellow banister don't seem to reflect this. Also the big wall in the middle left probably should be shaded a bit darker to separate the sides of the wall, or use a darker line to define it?

    Ur, I'm not sure if you understood that, so here (sorry for writing on it >.< )

    anyway, nice work!

  4. pamkips Mar 10, 2007

    TEXTURRREEEE! I simply <3 it

  5. Sinever Mar 10, 2007

    beautifull work
    I really love it

  6. acid-awakening Mar 10, 2007

    The walls look tilted... o.O
    and twisted... but very eye-catching
    Although, the stairs and hand bar thing across the wall is gigantic

  7. peniko Mar 10, 2007

    waaa this is cute, if i look in full view, there is many details ^^

  8. Chloe Retired Moderator Mar 11, 2007

    Great lighting and textures work well! Nice job!

  9. fidiou Mar 11, 2007

    Wow! Very beautiful composition, i like it.

  10. eternallegend Mar 12, 2007

    i like how the light textured look help brings out your wall and the way everything has been painted is really well done :D i like how you made her fit in with the background and shadows are done nicely :) lovely wall ^^

  11. x-lawss Mar 13, 2007

    Yuki look good!
    Thanks for sharing XD

  12. shiwei Mar 13, 2007

    nice wallpaper.. the background is great, the lighting effect is good.
    the stairs is the best to me. :) keep it up, +fav

  13. redangel6112 Mar 14, 2007

    wow great!
    The staircase is really outstanding.
    Thanks for sharing.

  14. norine07 Mar 14, 2007

    omg nicely done! really well made and drawn! love colours used! it's a really beautiful work! ^^

  15. anima241 Mar 14, 2007

    IT'S HORRIBLE UTTTERLY HORRIBLE! there isn't nough chaos, and not enough EMO! j/k LMAO. i'm sorry good day=insanity.
    ITS AWESOME!, i love the creamy colors and the strange abstraction on the steps railing right in the middle of the picture. very stylish!

  16. BlueAngel17 Mar 15, 2007

    hmmm.. i think we need more work on the lighting concept.. and yeah, this doesn't feel like soltitude.. but rather of light (sorry about that), but I really commend you on the patience and talent of doing the BG. Totally. You rock. ^^

  17. Kyelor Mar 16, 2007

    There's a great sense of space here and nice textures too. You've fit the text in there quite well along the stairs . . . hehe, very clever!

  18. Kubrickfan Mar 16, 2007

    That's a good one alright!

  19. moonfire Mar 17, 2007

    very good bg, and nice choice of colors too.
    great work on it, keep it up! :)

  20. GunsxGoxBang Mar 18, 2007

    whoaa` its sooo pretty :D

  21. holykin Mute Member Apr 13, 2009

    ThAnK you nice wallpaper

  22. daniticha Oct 12, 2009

    Yuki is so adorable and sweet! *_*
    Good job!

  23. llppgg Nov 29, 2009

    I like this picture ,thanks for sharing

  24. honglong17 Dec 24, 2009

    a beautyful picture, it very.... well Nagato ,simple is that

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