
Soul Calibur Wallpaper: .:Orb:.

Namco, Soul Calibur, Xianghua Wallpaper
Namco Studio Soul Calibur Game Xianghua Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Presenting my newest wallie! :D
Full-view is way better if you'd like to see details :)

I started this wallie out of complete boredom...with one of my background textures that i have made before.
When i saw it was growing to be smth beautiiful i said i'll continue it and it ended up like this:D

This is my first wallie where i used layer blend modes and all that (I found it, out of curiosity X-P)
I really loved how it ended up! (I think it's my fav wallie from me until now) XD

If you look at the full-view carefully you can see i used butterflies that i got from a stock image at Deviantart, including the planets' edges that you can't really see all that well.

I decided to call this wallie "Orb" cz if you look into the wall carefully you can see an orb around the middle :D That's the part i love most.

The scan i got it from MT :)
Well guess that's it! Hope to hear your comments and favs are always appreciated!

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UPDATE: Some people that commented said that the wall was a bit pixelated at some parts...so i fixed those by blurring it. Hope it looks better XD

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  1. akuma2002 Feb 25, 2007

    A beautiful wallpaper, with lot of nice effects ! (i like the butterfly on the left) The colors are also very nice, good job ! :D

  2. 1c30nf1r3 Feb 25, 2007


    merged: 02-26-2007 ~ 01:45am
    i forgot to mention.......that im stunned...XD

  3. Miriallia Feb 25, 2007

    Yaaaa! Very cute, Xianghua-chan! *--*
    Beautiful colors and effects, my compliments! ^__^

  4. yalubluchay Feb 25, 2007

    just amazing :) love this style.

  5. WindAlchemist Feb 26, 2007

    Wow, so colorful! Your walls always have so much in them, you see different things each time you look at it lol. My only problem is that the scan is very pixelated around her face and some other places and the butterfly at the lower left doesnt look good since it looks like it's colors are conflicting with the scan and the edges look very rough.
    Other than those two things, nice wall and interesting idea :D

  6. inREVERIEforever Feb 27, 2007

    Oh it's so pretty! Very colorful indeed.
    I love all the textures you used, it makes the wallpaper alive. XD
    But I agree with WindAlchemist. There are some rough, pixelated places that you can fix. But overall, it's a great wallie. Nice work!

  7. thingperson Feb 27, 2007

    Oh my gosh this is so pretty she is my favorite from that game and i love the background and colors..this so pretty i love this so much.


  8. darkangel013 Mar 01, 2007

    Wow Sis!
    The wallie is sooo colorful and you did am awesome job with bending in the background.*adds favs*
    Keep it up Sis! Love ya
    *hugs and kisses*
    Your lil-sis,

  9. Yureika Mar 09, 2007

    hahahah u really tricked me xianghua i thought its a wall from gs/gsd orb. muahahah ^.^'
    btw nice wall full with colors blending shape n stuff..

  10. enchantressinthedark Mar 12, 2007

    Wow, this wall is pretty busy looking ^_^' Too many stuff cramped in all together but the colour blending's pretty good ^^ The image of the girl is kinda blurred, try sharpening it up a bit ;)

  11. kristina1234u Oct 10, 2008

    Pretty character, love the colors you used for this :3!

  12. zazuge Apr 27, 2010

    Awesome one
    I love it ^^

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