omg first hahax..! so cute! i love the scan, omg the scenery, fireworks just lovely! really goes well with scan! nicely done! ^^ though one thins the text looks a little werid, nevermind though, it look nice overall, thanks so much for sharing! ^^ nice one! ^^

1600x1200 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
I really wanted to make a wallpaper with this scan. I think she looks so cute. While looking at this scan I was not sure what bg to make. Finally after looking through a bunch of scans I found a perfect one. I use a great brush for the fireworks and added a bunch of effects to make them shine. It was hard work I spent like an hour just on the fireworks.
Well to make her seem like she isn't flying in the air, I added a fence (what ever you want to call it LOL)Anyway I think I did a okay job on it. I like the text, what do you like?
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norine07 Feb 23, 2007
Pladao38 Feb 23, 2007
Ah.. I do love this scan ^_^, the bg suit her perfectly fine :D.
Thanks for sharing the good work.
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