
Earthian: Yun Kouga 3

Yun Kouga, Earthian, Your Eyes Only (Yun Kouga), Raphael (Earthian), Michael (Earthian)
Yun Kouga Mangaka Earthian Series,OVA Your Eyes Only (Yun Kouga) Artbook Raphael (Earthian) Character Michael (Earthian) Character


Scanned it from my Artbook.

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  1. KaitouCoon Restricted Member Feb 22, 2007

    i dont know the manga, but i'm assuming its from earthian, great scan though, i love yun kouga's work

  2. twilightofrose Feb 22, 2007

    I think this should be putten as couple scan. In the monochrome scan with the same guy with wavy hair, the person with attached hair seemed to have breasts.

    Lovely scan :D I love Yun Kouga's style so much!

  3. Eowyn Feb 23, 2007

    I want that Artbook! This pic is so nice.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. renshou1090 Jan 26, 2009

    Is it princess Ai? Can't really tell at all.

  5. pizzahutrebel May 16, 2009

    No, this is most definitely Earthian: it's Raphael and Michael here. I think the monochrome scan someone above mentioned is one of Michael and Lucifel from the fifth Secret Garden story Kouga-sensei drew years after the original series ended (since it's the only handful of chapters drawn in the same distinctive style as Loveless).

    Anyway, this is a positively lovely scan! Man, wanting the art book so bad now!

    EDIT: Okay, I'm *pretty* sure that's Raphael here and not Lucifel, because I know Raphael's been described in the manga as having green eyes, while Michael and Lucifel are twins and I believe both have blue eyes. Anyway, the pulled-hair-back look is something Raphael is seen wearing a lot, so... most likely it's him here.

  6. bidorz Aug 03, 2010

    Definitely Michael and Raphael! Lue's hair would also have a curl (also Raphael's eyes are green!).

  7. lesfina Nov 12, 2010

    Merci beaucoup pour ce scan

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