
The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi Wallpaper: Sos Brigade Room

Noizi Ito, Kyoto Animation, The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi Wallpaper

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment


Hey guys! What you have been waiting for is NOW COMPLETED! zOMG what once was a simple white and black lineart turned into something way insane that I spent almost over a month to do it. From the Glasses with scratches to the books worn out look I did all that I can and now I cant do anymore lol my computer has done as much as possible as this whopping 800+kb file slugged my computer down to almost a snails pace.

This peice is dedicated to 2 of my good friends:


These 2 have done alot for me. Daniel who wants me to meet my girlfriend down there in California which he lives there also. He told me when he learns how to fly he wants me to go see my girlfriend that way. He really wants to give people alot more happiness than himself so this goes to him. As For Seilen hes been my friend for almost a year now, very intellegent and very sincere. I was dedicating the Kanon town wall to him but I havent got to that in such a long time...I might continue it again since I never got to finish it.

And for all just to see how much I took on it heres the lineart:


And here is one with Haruhi in it since I loved the idea of adding her using the same scan I used in the last Suzumiya wallpaper:


Thats all for now guys! Happy Valentines day and a Chinese New Years! ^^.


Part of Celestial-Luminese and Feathers of Eternity

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  1. harakiri Feb 06, 2007

    The version with Haruhi is more personal and looks less technical. I think the main problem with this image is its high technical and static factor that makes it seem as if it was rendered with a 3D program. Everything seems too polished and perfectly executed so that the image lacks a 'soul'. I think you should have added some irregularities to make it look more artistic. Backgrounds in anime for example are never perfectly drawn but have those nice irregularities (even in Suzumiya anime) - especially buildings.

    Other than that it is a very diligently made piece of work. You surely have put a lot of time into it.

    One tip: Setting the vanishing point slightly off the picture's middle makes it look more dynamic as well.

  2. entity1660 Feb 06, 2007

    Wow, this is amazing. But it does seem too realistic to make a room part of an anime. A partial student of perspective, I notice that it seem that the table is too low and should be in the middle. But I may be exaggerating the exact properties. Marvelous work nontheless. =3

  3. xRedPhoenix Feb 06, 2007

    Wow. Everything is practically perfect ('cept I noticed the glasses look as if it's levitating a bit) but overall YOU RULE. +fav

  4. Devilet Feb 07, 2007

    I like the one with Haruhi, it seemed more interesting with a person inside.
    It's a fantastic wallpaper you've done here, congrats on the work.
    The ceiling when it meets the wall is a bit strange, though, it's simply great what you've done!

  5. Devildude Feb 07, 2007

    I could almost see them doing their daily thang down in this room lit by the romantic evening lights.
    Wonderful piece...

    merged: 02-07-2007 ~ 03:06pm
    could use one with Yuuki sitting at the side.

  6. mikan-sakura Feb 07, 2007

    congratz this wall is FT. at Feathers of Eternity
    great job on this one! (as always XD)
    anyway just wanna say that
    the mobile seems a little flat
    and the cupboard (or whatever it's called in english XD) [on the left side] looks so flat too ^_^'

  7. fluke Feb 07, 2007

    The master does it again. The lighting is spectacular as always, I too prefer the one with Haruhi in it. I can't believe you created everything from scratch like that it's really incredible. Time well spent I must say, I always love picking out the little details you put into your wallpaper, like the writings on the chalkboard and the piece of paper underneath the book. xD Great job!

  8. gabysango2011 Feb 07, 2007

    awesome...as always
    i luv ur wallies
    and the better thing of them is that almost always ur the one who "makes" them,
    i luv it
    + fav for sure

  9. Kiako Feb 07, 2007

    the wallpaper is very good, it has a great atmosphere. so the look through the window is very nice, i like the colours of the sunset.
    keep it up

  10. AngelKate Feb 07, 2007

    *passes out again*

    JUST saw this at DA...it's awesome! You are teh master at 3-D! Great work!

  11. eternallegend Feb 09, 2007

    amazing :D the lighting looks wonderful and the colours well chosen :) i like the concept of your wall and the overall theme :D the idea is wonderful and the details look amazing :) i like the reflection off the glasses and the way you did the books :D amazing wall ^^

  12. enchantment Feb 09, 2007

    i love how you did the room :D its really nicely done and i love the idea and concept :) nice wall~^^

  13. Firemace Feb 11, 2007

    Dude, you just got me hunger for more of your Work like a Vampire now.

    You recreated a scene one had thought nearly forgotten and probably will never have seen.
    I am simply entranced by your work. Nothing more to say other than ... speechless. :) *grasp your work*


    Oh yeah. A Happy Chinese New Year AND Valentine's to ya too ! :) What ? ... no red packets ?

  14. sovo-kun Feb 11, 2007

    waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! it s so great you are fabulous......
    kakoiiiiii...... the room is really nice ....

    but you can see that there are some problem on paper at the corner....
    also i think that you could have add more detail to the roof...maybe it s just me... :D

    saa.. you did a really good job

    :D happy new year .... :P

  15. mystvearn Feb 13, 2007

    nice shadows and wallpaper

  16. bumgore Feb 14, 2007

    Hahah... nice, it must've consumed all of your free time just to make this one haha.... very cool ahhh.. I totally worship you haha..

  17. koager Feb 18, 2007

    that is amazing

  18. MapleRose Retired Moderator Feb 20, 2007

    wow, awesome perpective and lighting! and great attention to detail ^^ I esp like the clock for some reason :)

  19. animefreek18 Mar 02, 2007


  20. KaoruMikagami Mar 02, 2008

    nice room.i hope my club room will just like that

  21. ErdeKaiserR Jan 19, 2009

    texture and detail are great quality and awsome wallpaper :D

  22. moncada Jan 26, 2009

    I feel strangely at peace.

  23. animelover901120 Apr 08, 2009

    It's really nice
    thanks for the share

  24. holykin Mute Member Apr 13, 2009

    ThAnK you so nice wallpaper

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