
Arjuna: Earth Girl Arjuna Box

Satelight, Arjuna, Juna Ariyoshi, DVD Cover
Satelight Studio Arjuna Series Juna Ariyoshi Character DVD Cover Source


Bad scan, don't hurt me. My scanner is dying. But someone might be able to do something with it. And seeing how there's no Earth Girl Arjuna stuff on this site... I don't know. Just don't hurt me.
This is the front? cover of the Earth Girl Arjuna box. So yeah, I don't own it. Well... I bought the DVD's so I own those but yeah, not the copyright or anything. Hehe.

**I edited the scan since the first time I uploaded it here. Upped the contrast and despeckled it and stuff. Seems better to me now than what it was before.

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  1. Kasumi1988 Jul 21, 2004

    cool pic!

  2. Natsu Jul 23, 2004

    great scan

  3. Kappa Aug 13, 2004

    Thanks. super-cool!

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