
Green Glass: Green Glass ~ Bakers Asylum

Green Glass, Stationery, Original
Green Glass Mangaka Stationery Source Original Source


My Personal Scan

I'm sre the men in the background are meant to be scientists, but to me they look like bakers. Yet the whole scenario looks like some sort of old fashioned asylum & makes me think of the opening sequence to he Return to Oz. Anyway, the beautiful girl at the front appears to be a fragile patient with a slightly vacant look behind her beautiful wide eyes.


Chosen by LordWe and Revan

Proposed by LordWe and highlighted by Revan.

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  1. Angi Retired Moderator Jan 23, 2007

    nya! this scan is a higher resolution than the other that was here in the gallery
    this scan is one of my favs of green glass, I made a wall with this one, but didnt was so good
    I thought the same too, they look like bakers, but at the same time with a chemical scientist touch ^^

  2. Fenafir Retired Moderator Jan 26, 2007

    Wow Wow Wow! The details in this ones is massive! I really like the colors and composition of this scan, somewhat gothic looking. The girl's hair is so intricate and so is her outfit especially the tied ribbons on her back. That scientist has some werid nifty glasses, makes him look like a mad scientist instead. Bakers Asylum... never even thought of putting those words together, nice title idea.

  3. CosmoStar Feb 03, 2007

    Your interpretations are very interesting...
    I always thought that the girl was a representation of Time, and this would explain the large quantity of clocks, but I never thought about the meaning of the women in white...
    The guy must be a watchworker.
    I love love the boots from the girl! She's pretty in a whole too...
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Ikusa Aug 23, 2007

    It's really a good artwork.

  5. Alcyndore Nov 17, 2008

    Baker's Asylum! Talk about originality...it's just wicked! What's next? UFO muffins or alien cupcakes? Brilliant image. I found myself staring dumb at the girl's ankles and hair. Just look at those rich curls! They're amazing! Thank u! And thank u for the info on the emerald being my birthstone! You r very kind! I guess this means I'm with the green fish-mermaid-girl from the gem scans! Thanks again!

  6. tintalle Dec 07, 2008

    Wow... really weird... thanks for sharing though!

  7. madzsan007 Aug 07, 2009

    nice! thanks for the scan!

  8. EKYU Aug 20, 2009

    amazing piece!
    thank you for sharing!

  9. nounou999 Apr 19, 2010

    awesome scan thanks 4 sharing it

  10. farisa96 Jun 11, 2010

    thank you for this scan!^^ It's very beautiful!

  11. Miyon Sep 24, 2010

    you're the best. it's really amazing!

  12. Qiu1987 Oct 01, 2010

    so beautiful..thx for sharing...

  13. s0020261 Oct 06, 2010

    Wonderful scan. Thanks for sharing.

  14. ally171 Nov 25, 2010

    sweet dress and hair thanks

  15. TanyaaLee Jan 12, 2011

    thanks for the scan its awesome

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