
Ah! Megami-sama Wallpaper: Odi et Amo

Kousuke Fujishima, Anime International Company, Ah! Megami-sama, Belldandy Wallpaper

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

"Odi et amo" is latin for "I love and I hate", "Nec mortem effugere quisquam nec amorem potest" means "we can't escape death, and niether can we escape love", the writing on her back "alis volat propiis" means "she (or he) flyes with her own wings".
The left side is not a black hole... unfortunatelly you have to full view it to appreciate =p

I am a member of Celestial-Luminesse


Chosen by LordWe and Saikusa

A delicious feast for he eys of rich warm tones that feel as finely matured as the red wine tones you've used. he sultry pose, and mysterious lack of facial details & expressions adds to the touch of mystery. A beautiful combination of texture, colour, and vectoring. An excellent conceived & executed work of art.

Proposed by LordWe and highlighted by Saikusa.

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  1. entity1660 Jan 18, 2007

    Wow, this is such an exquisite work! Although the black and white wings would belong better with Urd, Belldandy isn't a bad choice either. =3 Favorite, desu~!

  2. marcoskatsuragi Jan 18, 2007

    I already see this one on the AP... just perfect! I already say this... but, i say again!

  3. melymay Jan 18, 2007

    I really like this wallpaper :D The texture looks great, and everything flows well together ^^ Great job, and keep it up! +fave

  4. starrliteangel Jan 18, 2007

    finally! i was waiting for you to submit it at MT. feature at CL! you already know what i think about it from my comments at AP...heheh

  5. MallieChan Jan 18, 2007

    WOW! this is really beautiful , so calm ! i love it sooo much!
    beautiful texture!

    fav & download!

  6. Lycan Jan 18, 2007

    Very pretty.. I like the effect, nice work

  7. rika23 Jan 18, 2007

    OMG! i love this already XD
    I like the texture that you used. SUgoi! _Fab

  8. FallenAngelZoicyte Jan 18, 2007

    this is so cool looking. the whole thing is just beautifully done.

  9. Sabbathiel Jan 18, 2007

    brilliant work! I can't find word that can display my admiration about genie this wallie!

  10. eternallegend Jan 19, 2007

    wow, the concept is really nice and the title is really interesting :) i like how you portrayed everything and the perpective of your wall :D the colours are nice and i like the effects XD nice wall ^^

  11. enchantment Jan 19, 2007

    wow, i love how you did the wings :D i love the colour choices as well :) i love the texturey look and the concept for the wall is really nice :D nice wall~^^

  12. Yurusaretai Jan 21, 2007

    Reminds me of...myself.

  13. MapleRose Retired Moderator Jan 21, 2007

    wow, beautiful vector, very clean :) and nice concept and angles. I like the textures and colours as well.

  14. Elves Jan 22, 2007

    As you say, the left side is not a black hole, but it's an awful lot of dark color all in one place. I love the details of the textures and what they bring to the wall, but there's no allowance for differentiating the dark of the background with her wing (at least on my monitor I had to move my head before the LCD glare made the difference). I don't have any real advice as to how to add some distance between the two, but I think it would help make the wing be a wing and not some black space. Maybe if you just lighten the black coloring of the wing a little it might bring out more details and then we could distinguish what is what?
    In any case, that's the only thing I really have to critique. As weird as I find the "tattoo words" on her wings and back - I still like them. It adds way more meaning to the title. Especially with your description.
    I really love all the "wine" colors you've used, as aforementioned by LordWe. It's got an old world feel to it when coupled with the textures - which are also awesome btw. I really like the perspective of the character, it catches the eye more this way. Awesome work! :pacman:

  15. Rella Jan 23, 2007

    Ooh, this is nice! I really like how the wall is shown. Her mysterious back matches perfectly with the dark background. Very nice!

  16. Yuzupt Jan 23, 2007

    I love this wallpaper
    And the words are so fantastic
    Great job
    My fav

  17. CloudD Jan 23, 2007

    Great wall. I love the texture done on this wall. Maybe the words on the wings could have been left out but this wall is fantastic. I like it alot.

  18. Jyzaphiel Jan 23, 2007

    just awesome!

  19. Azumi11 Jan 24, 2007

    it's hard to see at first what is the picture really is..
    Sorry about that..but anyway it's an astounding pic and i appreciate it.
    Ganbatte! :nya:

  20. erikipikis Jan 27, 2007

    very nice! lovely

  21. Melisandre Feb 27, 2007

    Nice work, amazing what you have done on the "black" side, it's gorgeous, the feathers and the bg texture. It's a really delicate and exquisite work, my congratulations and my fav :D

  22. XVBadKittyVX Mar 28, 2007

    I'm a little confused. Is the Urd or Belldandy gone bad?

  23. jaymac Feb 08, 2008

    When you first look at it (particuarly in its thumbnail size), it may not seem like much (more like a fearsome beast not related to Ah! My Goddess in any way). But when you enlarge it and get a better look, you get a better understanding of what is being portrayed. Going by what XVBadKittyVX has mentioned, it is not about Belldandy (who is being portrayed here going bad), it is just the creator of this piece has used a clever technique of implementing an optical illusion in this work to amazing effect and thus has created a unique and interesting piece.
    Great idea you've displayed here, cheche115. Keep up the good work!

  24. neji-205 Apr 24, 2008

    Damn....It's Urd,who has 2 'sides' :P

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