
0-Torus: 0-Torus

Carnelian, 0-Torus, Riku (0-Torus)
Carnelian Mangaka 0-Torus Game Riku (0-Torus) Character


Character: Riku, ?
Title: 0-Torus -who killed the cat?- (BL game)
Studio: CORE

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  1. perseveration Jan 12, 2007

    Great pic!
    Can't wait for this game release - it really took CORE too long

    Thanx for sharing:)

  2. Momoka-chan Dec 26, 2007

    That boy looks so cute! XD
    Thanks really much for sharing <3
    +fav ^___^

  3. sayako01 Banned Member Aug 16, 2008

    Good job!
    Thank you for sharing and I like this nice picture very much!

  4. hikoseijuro Nov 02, 2008

    Is that a boy? If so then his dress is freaking me out. If girl, why does she look like a boy?

  5. angelbell00 Restricted Member Oct 12, 2009

    it's a boy and that's his shirt

  6. animenintendo Dec 03, 2009

    jajajaja, parece que esta bes si lo han dejado sorprendido

  7. ally171 Jun 18, 2010

    lol what is that guy wearing its cute pic

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