
Milk Crown (Series) Wallpaper: Milk Crown

Aqua Mizuto, Milk Crown (Series), Oto Tachibana Wallpaper
Aqua Mizuto Mangaka Milk Crown (Series) Series Oto Tachibana Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

This wallpaper features an image of Tachibana Oto from a rare manga series titled Milk Crown. This image is an artbook scan by Mizuto Aqua, which can be found at Aquaizan. For the background, I used half of the swirly bracket to make the divider in the middle by using 200pt in A Yummy Apology font and did some skewing. The background consists of two gradient textures from Hybrid Genesis. The wallpaper isn't too fancy; simple and plain so I hope you like it.

Please visit my Milk Crown fanlisting, Aisuru for this wallpaper in 1024xx768 and 800x600 resolution.

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  1. Asia1One May 01, 2010

    Cool! :D Oto is cool! ^___^ Thanks for the wallpaper.

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