
Loveless Wallpaper: Without love

Yun Kouga, Loveless, Ritsuka Aoyagi Wallpaper
Yun Kouga Mangaka Loveless Series Ritsuka Aoyagi Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I'm definitely on Loveless now, so beware :3

Another 1024x768 wallpaper, with Ritsuka in front.

It's the ending of the anime. I don't remember where I found this picture, but if you know - tell me, I'd be grateful.

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  1. Esty Dec 25, 2006

    *shudder* i dunon why its called one without love i think its just one without much love, stll such a cruel name even if it where X___X dreading the ending..

  2. mikkikat Dec 28, 2006

    whoot pretty :)

  3. masakichan07 Jan 20, 2007

    very pretty. Don't worry, loveless has a pretty good ending

  4. Moon-Faery Feb 20, 2007

    Really pretty

  5. skady1999 Mar 10, 2008

    SO CUTE + !

  6. Fizzybubblespop Oct 26, 2008

    So pretty. I love all the colors and how well it all goes together @_@

  7. EuphieSuzaku Oct 27, 2008

    Cute wall x3 Nice work ^^

  8. Merristone Jul 05, 2010

    wow! Ritsuko and the very beautiful, but too bad that he's gay...

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