Cool wallpaper I really like the way she blends in with the background, too bad part of her is slightly cut off.
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I'm excited. I usually fail for any type of wallpaper inspriation, but I was struck today when I was listening to Chieko Baisho's "The Promise of the World".
As far as the design elements of the wallpaper go, here ya are:
Time: 9 1/2 hours ( I think )
Programs: Photoshop 7
Inspiration: The Promise of the World.
Okay, so the backround- that rock thingy. It originally came from his misc scan I found while browsing on photobucket:
I basically photoshopped out the girl & the second island. To replace the blue clouds I used cloud stock photos & made some of my own, which took up a couple layers. Somehow, my blue sky ended up... purple. Don't ask.
I took another stock photo of an ocean & blended it with the original sea to create the... purple sea. How it became purple, I know not. There is a lot of purple going on. ^_^'
Well, The girl is from a scan I found on photobucket as well, so I don't know who she is, nor who to give credit to, but here is the scan.
Anyhow, she is supposed to be floating in the sky in my wallie, and I tried to convey it as best I could without using, or seeing her feet. But I think It's passable.
So, anyhow, I was cheap when I did the moon. I took a texture, arranged to make it purple and made it into the shape of the moon- I was too lazy to vector a moon. :hmpf:
Also, if you'll notce- though it may be hard- there are a few seagulls around, after all, it's the ocean.
Ah, so anyways, I actually like this wallie. & this is for my dear friend, Keniki's birthday. She just turned 15 today & this is one of my presents to her.
Anyhow, comments & critique would be lovely. Thank you.
" The Promise of the World"
| Kurumi.
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StardustKnight Banned Member Dec 01, 2006
enchantment Dec 03, 2006
the background looks nice :) i love the soft colours you used :D nice wall~^^
esiotrot Dec 26, 2006
Wow... She's pretty... The background looks really cool too! Thanks for sharing!
jaeminloves4yuki Mar 11, 2007
um..nice backgroung the cloudy really does a great effect on the wally^^
ninja123 Jun 15, 2007
Great Wallie! The cloud effect is cool!
Litschii Mute Member Sep 03, 2008
WOW^^the girl and the background just great^^really really awsome^^great work^^thanks for the share!
teja78 Feb 16, 2009
cute shes awesome
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