
Cardcaptor Sakura Wallpaper: Card Queen Sakura

CLAMP, Madhouse, Cardcaptor Sakura, Keroberos, Sakura Kinomoto Wallpaper
CLAMP Mangaka Madhouse Studio Cardcaptor Sakura Series Keroberos Character Sakura Kinomoto Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

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Hello Everybody!
Well, here is another CCS Wallpaper... "Card Queen Sakura"
Obviously, about Sakura-chan like a Poker Player.

This file have 27 layers, bu the real work was to change Sakura's outfit to look like i want, so, i need to change colors and put those card symbols on it.

This is the original picture look:

Also, i made the poker card wth the main characters, extracting the images and creating the card looking.

I have fun making the wallie.. but i don't like so much the back.. because i don't know what colour use.. ifsomeone have a best idea than the one i decide, please, tell me, and i will try another way to make the wallie most beauty..

Kisses and Hugs!

_-* Sakura Hime *-_

P.S: This is for all CCS lovers!

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  1. KawaiiCardcaptorSakura Nov 29, 2006

    Wow! I love wallies like this! :D
    Cool idea! I love the character on cards and the way u changed Sakura's costume! ^^

    Great job! ;)
    Fav from me!

  2. jeddelagged Nov 29, 2006

    Any chance of a bigger version?

  3. Sinever Nov 29, 2006

    its so pretty
    I love it

  4. aneres Nov 29, 2006

    I like the concept very much. However I do think that it's a tad bright though >_< Those cards are adorable =3

  5. schwindelmagier Nov 29, 2006

    In general, this is a pretty wallie with a nice, very nice idea. I like it much. The idea with the cards is really an awesome idea and to change Sakura's costume was also great. But for my taste, it is a little, a little bit too colourful and maybe you can add some grunges or something like that in the bg. Although there are very nice card-symbols on it, it seems to be a little bit empty. As you can see, these are just little things, I mentioned and so far...it is a nice and beautiful wallie
    fav from me ^_^

  6. ArtificialRaindrop Nov 29, 2006

    I love this wall! :D I really like how you manipulated her outfit to match a deck of cards, but I agree with aneres that it's a lil too bright. It seems like it needs more contrast between Sakura and the orange background because looking at it in full view they tend to blind you ( schwindelmagier's grunge idea might help that^). But still, it's a cute wall and I love how you played off of the card theme with her outfit and making the other characters into cards. It's a fav! :)

  7. milla-chan Nov 29, 2006

    WOW, that's really good made
    nice done :D

  8. ikki333 Nov 30, 2006

    Te hablo en spanish porque sos mi novia y se que lo vas a entender ^^. La idea me gusta mucho... esta bastante original, o por lo menos si vi wallpapers similares fueron muy pocos. Pero te soy sincero... no es uno de mis preferidos. Creo que mas que nada, el problema es que no me convence porque no tiene las caracteristicas que aprecio, vos sabes. Y a mi gusto, si es lo que pienso, abusaste de la fusion 'superponer'. Otra cosa, y espero que no lo tomes a mal... las salpicaduras que tiene de colorcitos, no se como lo pensaste, pero parecen hechos con el paint y si las figuras como la pica o el trebol las hiciste con el corel, podrian haber quedado mejor. En fin, hay wallpapers que me gustan mas.
    Pero esto es solo cosa mia, totalmente subjetiva. Y creo que no soy el mas indicado para hablar de arte =P

    Te amo mi vida... nos vemos en un ratito =)

  9. Bibliomancer Dec 02, 2006

    Wow, such beautiful colors, and the concept was a great idea. thanks!

  10. hydetenshi Dec 21, 2006

    this is definitely one of the nicest CCS walls I've seen! love the concept, the lovely colors and contrast, and even the title is interesting! wonderful work, you should be proud of it! ;)

  11. xxFantasyAngelxx Jan 20, 2007

    WOOOOOOOOW! So pretty~~~
    I like how u did da reflection thingo on da cards ~ Very smart!
    And Keep up da gud work!~~

  12. ScarXHeart Nov 08, 2007

    I really LIKE this wall you made. Neat work! I like how everything is poker themed.

  13. xMerokOx Jul 15, 2008

    Very creative! Everything is tied together so well in this poker theme. Great job on changing the colors of her outfit too ^^

  14. NadesicoKitty Oct 27, 2008

    Very nice work :D

  15. Sakura-Rabbit07 Oct 29, 2008

    i see alot of effort went into this!
    love the 'joker' idea for the wallpaper
    altough i think its a little too bright but its still lovely

  16. laila-san Nov 09, 2008


  17. rumiko23 Dec 05, 2008

    Wonderful! I've never seen a wallpaper like this before! Very good-job!

  18. AnitaChan May 25, 2009

    A real queen!

    Congratulations from Brazil!

  19. shaka4 Oct 19, 2009

    Good Job the Wallpaper is really Beatutifull

  20. asian7 Jan 04, 2010

    I like how you did this wall it's really good.

    merged: 01-04-2010 ~ 07:01am
    It's nice with all the cards and I like her outfit to go with it.

  21. saherqureshi Mar 22, 2010

    BBBEEAAAUUUTTTIIFFUUULLL!*___________* <3333333

    merged: 03-22-2010 ~ 09:37am
    I LOVE SAKURA!*_________________* JUST BEAUTIFUL!<333333333

  22. turquoise Apr 12, 2010

    i really like it thanks for sharing

  23. Freja12345 Jun 17, 2010

    I love this anime, thanks for the beautiful wallpaper! ^ _ ^

  24. hebechou Mute Member Jul 01, 2010

    wow... awesome...
    so cute..
    thanks for sharing...

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