
Shingo Wallpaper: Triarii

Shingo, Missing Link, Fate/stay night, Saber, Doujinshi Wallpaper
Shingo Mangaka Missing Link Studio Fate/stay night Series,Visual Novel Saber Character Doujinshi Source

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

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Quote by from AP description
There was a lot of fidgeting around in here...
Overlayed on the row of soldiers: on the left side is a modern city, on the right side is the Colussuem...it contrasts both modern and ancient, just as Saber is a medival hero in a modern world.

The soldiers themselves, I just traced from a screen from Rome: Total War (kickass game, btw).

A triarii is a Roman legionnaire, and during the era of the Republic, they were the veteral spearmen of a legionnary cohort. Depending on whether it's the Roman Republic or the Roman Empire, the term triarii may be historically correct or not.

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  1. DSL367 Nov 22, 2006

    Hmm... this she some kind of priestess?
    She's cute; like I'm here for the first :D ~!
    Thanx 4 sharing!

  2. joemighty16 Dec 05, 2006

    Very interesting - but why Roman soldiers?

    Nevermind, its still a way cool wall though! Saber looks great!

  3. KaoruMikagami Feb 25, 2008

    nice wall but i agree with the second comment why roman soldier

  4. Shiroi-Ken Jun 20, 2010

    Saber, la mejor de toda la serie. Excelente Wallapaper.

  5. tatakeru Jul 11, 2010

    Thanks for your effort and thank you very much for sharing

  6. superanimeotaku Sep 18, 2010

    nice wallpaper thanks for sharing ~~~

    merged: 09-18-2010 ~ 02:13pm
    nice wallpaper thanks for sharing

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