
Cardcaptor Sakura: Christmas Slumber

CLAMP, Madhouse, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meiling Li, Syaoran Li
CLAMP Mangaka Madhouse Studio Cardcaptor Sakura Series Meiling Li Character Syaoran Li Character


Artist Comment

Yay, I'm finally done with this vector! It only took...what---a week and three days of coloring? My proudest vector yet! This is one of the images I wanted to vector ever since I first started, but since I was still practicing at the time, I was unable to go to complicated and hardworking images such as this one.

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  1. Melodyfpf Nov 21, 2006

    nice and cute walie!

  2. Kiako Nov 22, 2006

    it's a very good vector, the chibi charas look cute^^

  3. EldaLacus92 Nov 25, 2006

    Very pretty, I can see that you've improved a lot; most of the lines are very smooth, and the colors are really clean :)

  4. LacusRox Nov 29, 2006

    how cute! those chibi's especially ! =3

  5. himura088 Mar 11, 2007

    So cute!
    Thanks for your hard work! :)

  6. Sakichii Apr 09, 2007

    Wow, the colours and lines so crisp and the pictures is adorable

  7. NV3 Dec 16, 2008

    Colors are great! Nice pic! Well done

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