
Sora-iro no Organ Wallpaper: +Dance in My World+

Princess Soft, Sora-iro no Organ, Lefeuille Wallpaper
Princess Soft Studio Sora-iro no Organ Visual Novel Lefeuille Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

XD Hope you like it!

I made this wall in 4-5 hours or more..in about 13-24 layer that i made..

k thats all! chow :D

n owh the scan is from This

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  1. AeroStriker Nov 02, 2006

    This wallpaper is cute, the character design is really nice, too. Having such a colourful background makes me want to dance, too. : )))) Even though it didn't take long for you to work on, it's still nice, at least I like it! Thank you for sharing!

  2. eternallegend Nov 02, 2006

    the colour scheme looks nice and i like the background XD although the background seems a bit strange since it doesnt seem to blend very well just above her foot ^_^' and the extraction can use some work [hope i didnt offend you] there seems to be quite a few white bright spots but they help add character to your wall XD the stars add a nice touch but im not a fan of how there seems to be some sort of abstract type thing overlayed on her but thats just my opinion ^_^' the effects you used looks nice and the title suits well :D overall nice wall ^^

  3. starrliteangel Nov 03, 2006

    oh its so cute! the colors are very cute and go with the scan nicely. eternallegend is right about the extraction. I dont know what kind of method you use, but www.imanimetions.net has a good tutorial on extraction. Also, that cut off of color from pink to blue next to her foot is bothering me too. But the scan is very cuuute! I think that random texture is a little too busy for the whole wall because theres alot going on in the bg too. The text is a little too compicated too. If you just had the first letter of each word in that font, and make the rest of the words a simpler font, i think it would look better, personally.

  4. FallenAngelZoicyte Nov 03, 2006

    this is so beautiful and cute! instant fav!

  5. pikac Nov 05, 2006

    nice wall, but something seems to be missing or maybe it's just the way i'am looking at it,
    the charector is cute but you could improve on the extraction
    also the colour don't seem to suit well
    anyway, you'll improve
    keep them comming

  6. lecaonkung Nov 09, 2006

    cute cute

  7. auraderecca Nov 10, 2006

    Very Sweet. Haha... Nice! + Fav

  8. Mya102 Nov 11, 2006

    i really like it!

  9. Kaede-chan Nov 11, 2006

    awww! what an adorable wall! she's so cute XD the colors are beautiful. nice job! :D

  10. HunterX17 Nov 18, 2006

    KAAA! XD! Must eat up!

  11. dirachan669 Dec 12, 2006

    cool wall!n kawaii 2 ^^

  12. Kyelor Feb 15, 2007

    I think the sparkles could have a little more shimmer, but I love the concept behind this! The layering is quite nice and I can see where there are panel-like colors of light over this wall. You always use such lovely scans of cute girls in your walls ^_^

  13. quati Jul 12, 2007


  14. zweiii Feb 08, 2010

    she's my angel.

    KAWAII ^ ^

  15. aqito May 12, 2010

    aaaaaw... so cuuuutttee... thanks

  16. SeoNarang Mute Member Nov 14, 2010

    thanks for sharing........ lovely ^.^

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