It is Sakura. So you got it right.
She is cute as always. Fav.
I originally thought it would go with CardCaptor Sakura, since it's the same as Cardcaptors, but I guess I'll keep it here unless someone says something.
Browse Cardcaptor Sakura Gallery: Recent | Popular.
It is Sakura. So you got it right.
She is cute as always. Fav.
Ohh how cute <3
Sakura is cute, nobody can't deny it. She's not my favourite (nobody but Azmaria), but she makes the wallie very nice.
Sakura looks so cute in that cat-like costume.I like it!Thanks..
That outfit she's wearing, reminds me very much of the one the main character from Mew Mew Power wears when
she's transformed...
(I haven't seen it for ages so I can't remember her name, also I've only seen the English dubbed).
The Wallpaper of Card Captor Sakura is really a Excelent Wallpaper
me encata la imagen esta bueniisiima
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