
Gantz Wallpaper: Little Mister Sunshine

Hiroya Oku, Gonzo, Gantz, Izumi Shion, Kei Kurono Wallpaper
Hiroya Oku Mangaka Gonzo Studio Gantz Series Izumi Shion Character Kei Kurono Character

1280x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

lol. I love the expression on Izumi. xD

"what?...Im not stopping for you"

anyway, I saw Little Miss Sunshine last night. First time I've been inspired to make a wall since like..my pink floyd wall. The movies was FREAKING halarious. Crude humor at its best. When you go to a movie and the only people in the room laughing are you and your date...you did something right.

I know I know, isn't the left side all empty and throwing the wall off balance? yup, it is, and I love that. I wanted more characters running behind Kurono..but, I couldn't find any fitting scans. enjoy.


<a href=http://img169.imageshack.us/my.php?image=littlemistersunshinesg3.jpg><img src=http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/7088/littlemistersunshinesg3.th.jpg></a>

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  1. Chloe Retired Moderator Oct 22, 2006

    Commented on AP, yo =D
    Yay for random empty spaces!

  2. Dioma Oct 22, 2006

    for NO reason at all... I like this =o

  3. HeartFulSkies Oct 22, 2006

    lmao this wallpaper is hillarious XD lol i like the expression on that guy's face too haha XD +faves

  4. ventures Oct 22, 2006

    wow . just great . I love everything about it , the simplicity is perfect. I love how the mini bus blends with the bg :D . instant fav

  5. HaWaIIofHoaI Oct 22, 2006

    comically cool. =)

  6. Rhonda21 Oct 22, 2006

    haha. This is funny. I like it. hmm. Well then I want to see that movie because I love watching funny movies and laughing like a maniac. XD Anyways, great work.

  7. Yina Oct 23, 2006

    hey, i can see a cat on this wallpaper.. a black cat.. omg it's following me wherever i go >__>
    I guess you can't see it, right? It's the shadow, the shadow, the shadow...
    mhmm why is the cat here as well, maybe cuz it has 9 lives? o__o

  8. pamkips Oct 23, 2006

    that's so cool >_< damn you
    simple = awesomeness

  9. Tias Oct 23, 2006

    You make wallpapers WAAAAY ot fast dude...as usual great job

  10. ayaki Oct 24, 2006

    cat? eeek i didn't know the shadow looks like a cat until i saw yina's comment LoL
    going crazy with vector~~~ u~~~ :D

  11. chubbykitty Oct 28, 2006

    haha I love this! Very funny and excellent vectoring! Good work! :)

  12. Anjhurin Nov 07, 2006

    Eheh, i soo loved the movie ! Nice wall, really gives a funny vibe :).

    One thing though, the van's shadow might be a bit wrong : there's light going through the open door, but the van's shadow is just as if the sun was right above it...

    Otherwise, great job ;)

  13. RuKya Dec 04, 2006

    this wall looks great at my work place! everyone addores it. Great work!

  14. TSUJIWAKI Sep 01, 2009

    Thanks for your effort

  15. orenji Jul 05, 2010

    hey! i love this movie and this scene is so incredibly brilliantly funny! nice neat wallie with a guy:D thanks for this and the rest of your amazing works!

  16. SamB Jul 07, 2010

    This concept is really funny, +Fav

  17. sergioriver Aug 25, 2010

    Thank you very much for this picture.

  18. parlantexyz Mute Member Dec 27, 2010

    Gracias.....Exelente Scan =D

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