
Howl's Moving Castle Wallpaper: Life Lit By Dim

Green Glass, Howl's Moving Castle, Howl Jenkins, Calcifer Wallpaper
Green Glass Mangaka Howl's Moving Castle Series,OVA Howl Jenkins Character Calcifer Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I recently came back from a 10 day trip with my hubby to see his sister's wedding, which was fun but prolonged my halted status on many of the things I'm working on XD . I created this wallpaper before than, but didn't submit it because I thought it had to be judged at the battleground. I only found out later that I wasn't even required to do the challenge as it was never accepted. So, although this wall will never be in the interesting challenge it was meant for I'm still happy as it came out quite well and is gracing my desktop.

Anyway, this wallpaper features Howl from Howl's Moving Castle, which has become one of my all time favorite animes due to it's stylized look and interesting characters. Howl in particular is my favorite, as is his fire demon Calcifer who looks really cute :D . In this particular image I used he looks rather feminine, but anyone not familiar with the series shouold know that he is male ... he just likes to look pretty (he even gets upset about in the movie and gets depressed when he feels he isn't).

Anyway, I' ll try to keep the description short. I was going for a darker style, but not one that would be grunge heavy. I was going more so for the feeling of darkness, not the use of heavy blacks. I also didn't want to have a bleak image so I tried to make it have multiple areas of interest and kept with the painted feel of the character. The background is fairly dark in comparison to the foreground where the character is so that the eye will gradually make it's way to the buildings on the water in the distance after following the trail of books scattered about.

As for Howl himself, I sought to place him in a setting where he might go to contemplate many of the busy thoughts he tends to have. I scattered some books around to show how he can get so overwhelmed with his thoughts and as a show of his dedication to seek more knowledge. Thus, the title comes to place in the idea that sometimes life is lit be dimmer moments because that is when moments of brillance light up in the mind. It also looked good from an aesthetic point of view ;) . The pillars are cracked marble as is the floor to further add to the mood and offset the dark billowing sky. The pillars are also rather worn with some of the details fading out due to wear. The edge of the overlook also drops straight down into the water (similar to a cliff), but is sort of hovering above the water.

There are many other things I could go into depth about, but alas that would require too much typing. Any thoughts or comments are welcome.


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  1. Kiako Oct 22, 2006

    nice wallpaper, the chara looks good and the packground you made fits well to him i like the texture and the sky
    keep up the good work.

  2. eternallegend Oct 22, 2006

    wow, amazing, the background looks wonderful XD i like the concept of your wall and the slightly dark but not darkish theme :) i like the texture and the pillars look nice :) the title is interesting and suits well with your concept and your wall :D the sky looks lovely and the colour sceme suits well XD the books add a nice touch and i like how everything is portrayed :D amazing wall ^^

  3. enchantment Oct 22, 2006

    wow, the wall is sort of like a darkish, mysterious theme :) i love the pillars and everything in the wall looks really nice :D lovely wall~^^

  4. fawna-chan Oct 22, 2006

    Nice...I just got back from a wedding myself and I'm dead tired. It was nice though, to go and eat and play at a resturant with over 300 people! But anyway, I like the grudgy colors and the "looming-over-my-back" kinda feeling. :) Very nice.

  5. euna Retired Moderator Oct 22, 2006

    I'm in no mood to read all that description @_@ but I can tell you that this wallpaper is great. It uses textures and stock images really well and I like your colour scheme. It all looks green and ... eh.. mossy. lol Those black silhouettes are a tad too sharp compared to everything else and shading's a bit dodgy overall. But it's a better wall than most walls in the gallery. =P

  6. frozenwilderness Oct 22, 2006

    get rid of the dropshadows pls :E

  7. MadoshiKurefu Retired Moderator Oct 22, 2006

    I love it!

  8. Saikusa Retired Moderator Oct 27, 2006

    This is fantastic! I'm so sorry I've missed this until now, but I'm pleased I havefinally found it :) It's beautful, the gentle tones and the moody atmosphere. It works so wel with the pose. Just beautiful :)

  9. Shkira Nov 02, 2006

    This is such a beautiful wall! Everything you've added to the scan compliments it so well and it looks great! I'm impressed at all the thought you put into everything. Thanks for sharing your hard work and talent!

  10. shadowVII Nov 05, 2006

    this is great!
    the sky is awesome looking and it goes great with those green pillars, howl looks awesome, of course, and calcifer is sooooooooo cute!
    thanks, i loooove this!

  11. Avria00 Nov 25, 2006

    he's male right?

  12. deedeezel Jan 30, 2007

    sorta gothic but kewl nevertheless....keep it up!

  13. Kaisuke90 May 08, 2008

    Lucifeer! XD XD

  14. Princekt Jun 01, 2009

    why not handsome... lolzz

  15. desse Jul 22, 2009

    nice :D i personally like darker walls and i love the colour scheme

  16. porupo706 Oct 26, 2009

    This wall is nicely done This wall is nicely done

  17. nguyenhuy0906 Jan 01, 2010

    .... Thats so incredibly awesome! Ok I just got to say it is so beautiful. Howl looks so awesome in this picture and Calcifer is adorable I just have to say!

  18. nuyoil Jan 30, 2010

    I Love Howl's Moving Castle ! Cute !

  19. YukihimeMaya Jun 02, 2010

    finally a picture of him that's worth downloading....
    nice work

  20. Miyon Sep 24, 2010

    pretty wallpaper!
    really nice work^^' i love it

  21. mithrandir0123 Nov 12, 2010

    this is a cool artwork,yeah

  22. pussycat12 Nov 22, 2010

    I just simply love this picture
    thanks for sharing

  23. ArchEngel13 Mar 21, 2011

    Love it :) Good wallpaper! ;)

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