Tough it's a very sad wallpaper, I must say it is very beautiful too.
Artist Comment
Featuring Kiba from Wolf's Rain, this is my entry for the AnimePaper Battleground EVI vs. TLM sudden-death all-in challenge - hence the 'fallen warrior' concept and 'The Last Breath' title.
Unfortunately we lost - ending our 3 rounds winning streak. Our troops were undermanned and TLM's walls are amazing - congrats for the win you guys!
That said, I have totally fallen in love with digital paintings recently, and decided to give it a go painting this one from scratch based on this scan.
So yes - this is 100% painted from scratch in Photoshop and no other scans/stockphotos were used.
A special thankyou for mickyoko, for his beautiful EVA wall brought me to the wonderful world of digital painting - thanks mate, you're an inspiration!
And for my EVI teammates, this is not goodbye yet since I forgot we have a 2nd HQ (XD), but thank you all for being such awesome teammates and I'm glad to be part of this group. This wall is for you :)
Widescreens and larger resolutions available, please contact me - cheers!
Chosen by flyindreams and candy-chan
It's great to see very professional looking digital painting here on MT. This beautiful piece based on Wolf's
Rain is a striking example of the realism you can achieve by painting, even when you havn't been a pro for years.
Supermonchi's choice of brush resulted in a very sleek and deep looking fur that make you wish you could touch it.
The trees behind Kiba are a nice touch adequately lit that doesn't disturb the eye from the main subject. Great
work on the animal's face too, as you could swear it is alive by staring in it's eyes.
Supermonchi is definately a very promising new member on MiniTokyo, make sure you do not miss his next stuff.
Proposed by flyindreams and highlighted by candy-chan.
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Ardenta Oct 21, 2006
Ookamichan Oct 21, 2006
so preatty cool effects o.o
great wall, kiba looks so cool
thanks for sharing -
flyindreams Oct 21, 2006
... :D
Really, stunningly beautiful paint job >__<
sandybamby Oct 21, 2006
very nice, although the title is somewhat disturbing! i know it's not a real wolf but i can't help feeling a little sorry for him! porves you've done a fantastic job!
merged: 10-21-2006 ~ 11:29am
very nice, although the title is somewhat disturbing! i know it's not a real wolf but i can't help feeling a little sorry for him! proves you've done a fantastic job! -
candy-chan Retired Moderator Oct 21, 2006
wow dude this is increadible. I knew you'd be the latest hot stuff xD
fawna-chan Oct 21, 2006
Dude, this is awesome. SUch a sad wall but so beautiful too.
Chloe Retired Moderator Oct 21, 2006
As I said on AP, this is just really beautifully done. Keep up the excellent work!
starrliteangel Oct 21, 2006
yayyyy! you submitted it to MT as well! faving it here too cuz you definitely deserve it! im so glad it got highlighted. I wish I could fav this 1000 times T-T
moonfire Oct 21, 2006
So beautiful and emotional....
nice job on the painting. and I feel sorry for the cute wolf. xD -
BlueAngel17 Oct 21, 2006
ooh! kibaaa! T_T poor kiba..
anyway, what else can i say? it's great. it's really hard doing these things.. good things you have the patience.. =_=
Misato-Kun Oct 21, 2006
Such a luminous and sublime piece of work! Thank you for sharing, much appreciated!
Milkiyo Oct 21, 2006
the real o_0
one word: w.o.w
love the paint! >33 -
SakuraShirayuki Oct 21, 2006
woow ^^ kireii da, ne? Fav!
euna Retired Moderator Oct 21, 2006
Absolutely gorgeous. Seriously, this thing is perfectly done. The paint work is impressive. You've done a super job on this wall. Well deserves a highlight. Well done.
LeeAnn Oct 21, 2006
everybody should appreciate this!
its a piece of wonderful art!
i thought it was the real thing! >.<
deserving to be highlighted! -
Sagnarn Oct 21, 2006
Wow beautfull job +fav ^^
kokuyu Oct 21, 2006
soooooo sad it's dying!
snowy effect really invokes much loneliness. added with the looks in its eyes creates an emotion........the last view it sees before it closes........
Angi Retired Moderator Oct 22, 2006
its just great!
its soo real!
its sooooo sad!
I reall like it!
+fav! -
MadoshiKurefu Retired Moderator Oct 22, 2006
I love wolfs! -
bromithia Retired Moderator Oct 22, 2006
So well done. I absolutely love the realistic paint job you have here. Great work!
HaWaIIofHoaI Oct 22, 2006
extremely well done. i thought it was a reworking of a scan but apparently not. the wolf has an angry, undefeated look to him but it's apparent that he's very weak if not dying.
poopyass Oct 22, 2006
wow tht rocks
0.0 -
animefairy Oct 22, 2006
Aww....its so cute! XD it looks like the wolf is injured or something. -_- I love the bright white remind me so much of christmas! XD i wonder what i will be getting from santa? LOL. just kdding. anyway. keep it up and thanks for sharing, supermonchi (cute name)! Much loves from me. <3 <3
rafaellaGP Oct 22, 2006
ah this scan of wolf rain are perfect! i really love it! O.O
your wallpaper are beautiful! i love this snows! ^^
beutiful! ^^
favs ;}
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