
Guilty Gear Wallpaper: . angel on the run .

Guilty Gear, Dizzy Wallpaper
Guilty Gear Game Dizzy Character

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

It's been bloooody ages since I last had the time to sit down and make a decent wallpaper, but finally I found a few hours to finish this lil' beauty. Because I have to say I absolutely <3 the way it turned out.

Okay... now to the tech specs. Part of the background was rendered in Apophysis [arigatou MapleRose-sensei! ^_^] and then edited in Photoshop; the fractals you see are actually several layers merged together and edited. On top of that I added a few cloud brushes and gradients, until I was happy with the results. Stock image courtesy of my dear friend loveandpeace1.

Enjoy! ^_^

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  1. Kiako Oct 20, 2006

    nice wallpaper, the colours are well-chosen, the bg looks very good.

  2. uchiha-vegeta Oct 20, 2006

    woah! O_O....splendid combination of abstract art O_o....oh ya ...this is gna be tough =P

  3. dianas Oct 20, 2006

    ooo Dizy cred ca asa o cheama ^_^' i`m place cel mai mult din Guilty Gear
    imi place cum ti-a iesit..asa ca normal ai o favorita din partea mea :)
    si mersi pentru favorita pusa noul meu wall..stiu ca nu e cine stie ce
    dar apreciez gestul tau frumos ^_^

  4. PinkPrincessLacus Oct 20, 2006

    OH beautiful and many colors, Lacus likes XD Lots of movement and motion in this wall unlike many boring ones on MT, Great job girl *hugs*. :D Oh and omg your not in CL yet O.O we got to change that immediately please X-P. bUT REALLY the colors in here are amazing, the stocks and swirls, the abstractness of it is so WOW, I love the main image also! This is such a great wall, I LOVE IT *adds to favs*. XD

    ~* Lacus *~

  5. Firemace Oct 22, 2006

    TA-DA ! Surprise to see me comment ? Hrmmm ... *Scratchs chin* Just for awhile. B4 i join others in Morpheus ' realm. XD

    Yays for you ! I like the swirls and color-deposit on it. Teeheee. ! Great Wall ! At last, *trembles in agony* Something out of this world in MT has emerged ! XD A Unique piece ! I am pretty bored on by too many similar wallies of the same ideas... :X

    Oh no, i don't care what the mods or other may say on this . I love what i appreicate. X-P

    * Fav.*

  6. Farewell Oct 23, 2006

    Nice job . U rock, that bg is awesome.

  7. RengekiShin Oct 26, 2006

    I wish I could do those effects you did T_T

  8. Hitorigoto Oct 29, 2006

    Dizzy is awesome-looking the way you made her.
    good job!

  9. kurumu-chan Aug 25, 2009


  10. lamer123 Feb 23, 2011

    i love Dizzy ! good job dude

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