Well well. Not too many holiday walls around as compared to the many many miscellaneous themed walls made. Not too many
holloween walls for that matter. Anyway, I too, noticed the change you made to the feet. Commenting on that, I should
say I think it adds an effect of focus. That effect could be worked into the wall maybe as it does make the character
seem in depth as compared to other elements in the wall. I liked the birds, too. They also give the wall some depth.
But, as I comment on your wall, I see that I too need to improve in these areas. Thanks for sharing. You did a fine job
with the colors on her clothes.
merged: 10-20-2006 ~ 01:24am
Oh yeah. Sorry for double posting, but I just wanted to share something I learned a while back when working on some
walls of my own. When simply changing the color scheme and colors of certain elements without changing the whole
picture, you COULD simply select an area with the lasso tool(or one like it), and adjust the color or saturation. You
would save the texture of the original image while fitting the image to the desired theme or scheme. Just thought
I'd let ya in on a bit of experience I've had. Heh. whatever. Later.