
Kingdom Hearts: KH2 : Sora+Roxas

Square Enix, Kingdom Hearts, Roxas, Sora, Member Art
Square Enix Studio Kingdom Hearts Game Roxas Character Sora Character Member Art Source


Artist Comment

My first submission.. omg i dont know how to work this thing X__X;; category..? doujinshii?

anyways, yeah its Sora and Roxas <33 i love them haha XD XD

Photoshop 7 and countless hours..
Sora and Roxas, Kingdom Hearts 2 (c) Tetsuya Nomura and Square-Enix

My dA
Thanks for looking! XD

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  1. kaisui1tatsu Oct 13, 2006

    Wow! That is really cute! I love the work that you did! Great job on it!

  2. ether92 Oct 14, 2006

    He he he....
    and I hear someone complaining about yuri.

  3. Keiyan Nov 07, 2006

    Ooh they are so cute XD ! Awsome work, several hours indeed, thank you, you're quite the expert doujinka ~.^
    (Yaoi hurray lol XD)
    Here's hoping you'll delight us with more of your works ^^

  4. waterprincess2401 Nov 14, 2006

    this is very cute! i love it~ well done!

  5. Iz-chan Nov 17, 2006

    So adorable^^ The coloring is godly o_o I wonder if the ice cream really salty or sweet, I mean, Sea Salt Ice Cream, Ew? XD Anyways, It's a job great done, I really enjoy their hair, It looks like it could be a pain to draw, same with their clothing. I can once again see something with GREAT shading too. And lastly, the eyes! I <3 their eyes, because they twinkle at me, pretty pretty x)

  6. angeloflove Dec 11, 2006

    oh that is so cute! *screams in delight and faints* hey by any chance that i can have the original scan of those two for maybe i can draw them *stars in eyes* maybe *pokes* can i? well pm me ok byez!

  7. Anason Dec 25, 2006

    OMG this is sooo cute!

  8. sharron Feb 25, 2007

    o.o you drew it yourself ? omg so cute XDD
    *thumb up

  9. elfenliednana7 Dec 22, 2007

    this person didnt draw this,its from deviantART.com.
    loser.get a life.

  10. LauraLeia Jul 09, 2008

    Awww... I love them too! You've made them look even more lovable and adorable than they are (and that's saying a lot). XD Ahh~ I can totally feel the love~ <3

  11. ShizukaAkera Jul 12, 2010

    gosh it looks so sweet and awesome ! *w*

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