Quite an interesting idea you got there :) the cherry on the left looks blurry x,x maybe remove the blue swirl behind the words innocent dream? just a suggestion, since it seems to spoil the image a little. but i like the overall wallpaper :D just a question though, did you draw the girl? XD and no, your drawings dun suck..
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my newest wall
this time i try to used another way to made my wallie.
first i draw out the bg n paint it with watercolor
then i scan it in to my computer.
after that i try and used photoshop to edit the bg.
this is the out come
well....i know my drawing skill was sucks
but i still hope u all will like it.... XD
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Bluearth Oct 10, 2006
Phantasm Oct 10, 2006
great work... pretty and fancy.
girl's picture and the picture of the cake and the fruit with a different touch from her seem not suitable, but make nice atomosphere. very interesting.
arrangement of lower right letters is wonderful. fav. -
Rhonda21 Oct 11, 2006
oh it's bright. XD That's a cute scan and well nice idea if only there was more to it somehow and if the background wasn't as bright. anyways nice work.
eternallegend Oct 11, 2006
i like the composition of the background :D its an interesting idea for the design and i like how everything is placed :) the different foods add a nice touch XD bit bright but overall nice wall ^^
enchantment Oct 11, 2006
ohh, i love the different foods in the background :) looks yummy XD i love how you did the title and its a nice concept :D lovely wall~^^
Acuni Oct 11, 2006
the bg is to white for my taste....it looks like there would be something flying in the air around with some peaces missing
add more things to the wallie
but in the end the scan is good and the concept to -
moonfire Oct 12, 2006
So kawaii! The girl is so cute and the food all look so yummy, I'd be eating them all in one gulp if they were real.. XD
Though some of the objects are blurry, I like the soft effect. It keeps the wall nice and peaceful.Pretty wallie indeed. :D
Kouta-domo Oct 20, 2006
=) dont worry anything that u make will always look good.
animefairy Nov 04, 2006
Aww...such a cute wall! XD I love the desserts in the wall...they are so cute and yummy! *drools* The girl is the perfect scan! LOL. Keep it up and thanks for sharing! ^^
wind-lunar Nov 06, 2008
i've added it to my favourite
swtboy Oct 15, 2009
wow it's wonderful... thanks to share..^^
YuKiHim3 Oct 19, 2010
so cutee ~~~~
thanks for sharing ittttttttttttttttttttt ~~
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