
Original: The human boy that loved the *fairy*...

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Entry for group Doujin-Arena's contest PIMP MY CHARA :)

I began working on this pic before and then the contest came so I join :D
Drew in Xangsane stormy days, for my friend Sin XD Drew with black pen and colored with color pencils. No editting as usual XD

Character: She's a little witty fairy who's very stubborn and sulky. Big pink 'hair' and clothes with lots of candies on and bright green-yellow glow around are her features XD. Her duty is to help lost children find their way home :)

Story: The little fairy was on the way home, happy that she had helped the lost child back home when she realized that she had lost her way too ^_^' XD Tired, she landed at a small sparkle garden with lots of pink-leaf trees where stars often rested on. The owner of the garden's son was watering and he found the fairy in the leaf canopy, shining gently. He helped her home. From that time on, after every task, the fairy came to that garden, sat on the branch and watched the boy watering. Their love grew, sweet and peaceful until the day Highest Spirit discovered what was happening. He ordered little fairy to stop meeting the boy coz love between fairy and human was considered against heaven's law. However, the fairy didn't act on Highest Spirit's order. One late night, she ran away from heaven to meet the boy the last time. She saw the boy was sitting under a pink-leaf tree, waiting for her. Suddenly, a dazzling light flashed and Highest Spirit appeared. He was angry that the little fairy didn't obey what he'd commanded. The fairy was imprisoned in the deepest cage and could never get out again as the punishment for what she'd done. The boy didn't know anything. He was there, waiting for her, day after day, until the last day of his life... :(

Hizzzz sad story :((((( I didn't intend to make up a sad story at first, but it turned out to be like this :(((((((((((((((((( Due to my bad English and imagination, the story isn't very good, just like kid's story >///////////< Hope that you don't mind. The boy look odd T_T I'm nver able to draw boys you know :(

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ENJOY! :pacman:


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  1. bigeejit Oct 08, 2006

    this is really beautiful! the colours r so vivid, it looks like its frm a childrens book! everything is excellently done in ur amazing pencil skills.

  2. DancingBlades Oct 08, 2006

    it looks like cotton candy land! XD +fav

  3. Magicalmoonangel Oct 08, 2006

    T_T such a sad story! sniff sniff....great job! By the way u coloured all of that on the computer or by hand?

  4. flyindreams Oct 08, 2006

    So sweet >.< Love the fluffy cotton candy look, like DancingBlades said... and especially their hair, such an interesting look XD Lovely coloring and details work too :) The story is too sad for the image! x)

  5. fireflywishes Retired Moderator Oct 08, 2006

    Awww, how cute! Lovely job on the colorings/shading staokmuoryao! The shading on the tree could use a little work though... it looks kind of flat. But that's about the only thing I can find that is not stunningly awesome! I love all the details! (And I've got to add... there's something about that blue fro that just made me laugh... ;)) Keep up the great work and good luck in the contest! :D

  6. Frosty Oct 09, 2006

    looks cotton candy-licious lolx... XD
    great coloring and concept, drawing etc! :)
    I think that cover just about everything.. lol...
    good work!
    gives you a Grade AA+ for the fluffy delicious looking artwork. ;)

  7. viekazama Oct 09, 2006

    Sad story >.<
    but the coloring is gorgeous!
    Wow you're really good man!
    a fave for sure :D

  8. Kukuru Oct 09, 2006

    Absolutely brillant - as always - if only I had half of your patience (and talent for that matter X-P) to come up with such gorgeous drawings as you do!

    I must admit it is a kind of sad story - but then beautiful to suggest that love is above all *sigh* shall I ever find love? X-P

    What irony that the 'helping lost kids' fairy got lost herself - it happens to the best of us doesn't it ^_^'

    It's been such awhile that I've been able to sample your work - and as always it's an absolute pleasure looking!

  9. Wapy Oct 10, 2006

    the colours look great and it looks like a child painting (no offense) for the Pinpin' the fairy is great, the candies are really original!

  10. sunnyvixen Oct 10, 2006

    Hey this looks great! I love the fluffly feeling and texture of the drawing.
    The fairie looks so cute and pretty!
    I love the details! Great job!

  11. Rikkablurhound Oct 12, 2006

    The coloring & the whole combination of the doujinshi is really plain lovely! XD
    Everything here is nicely done & its just flawless!
    Maybe the tree wasnt that well colored compared to those hearts & stuff but its still awesome! XD
    T_T sad story... T_T
    anyway, XD
    +fav & main fea

  12. euna Retired Moderator Oct 13, 2006

    You draw far too well and you've been highlighted not too long ago so the system won't let me highlight your work. =P

    I'll just post here the highlight comment I was going to put up. It looks great. =D

    Quote by eunasahngIt's pink and when you see something pink, you tend to expect cuteness. Well, this one is just the one you hoped for. =D

    How often do we get doujinshi that comes with a storyline? Not often. It's great to see someone put so much effort into their artwork. This one has lovely colouring and shading work that's all pink and fluffy. Even the girl's hair reflects candy-floss (perhaps I am too sugar-orientated, but it looks good/delicious xD ). It's such a lovely work that it needs highlighting. Keep up the great work!

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