
My-HiME Wallpaper: Last to Stand

Hisayuki Hirokazu, Sunrise (Studio), My-HiME, Natsuki Kuga Wallpaper
Hisayuki Hirokazu Mangaka Sunrise (Studio) Studio My-HiME Series Natsuki Kuga Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Okay, i know i know! i havent made a wall in like more than some months for the exaption of that "My last day" one, but it was so fastly done, that i really didnt count it! ^^'

Anyways, i dont now if this is going to be very popular coz its very dark, and well... empty...

But i did vector the gurl, just right now, and all the bg is mostly brushes. but i did work hard ont he vector! XD Anyways, please fav, and coment if its any good. And thanks to all the favs, and coment on my walls lately, sorry that i havent been very "wall active lately!"

However i will try to stay on task from now on, and make some walls soon, PROMIS! :)

Well, thanks in advance for anything! XD I will be very happy to have anything! XD THANKS AGAIN!

p.s. "gees feel like saying thanks, a k w a r d ...... ^^'

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  1. Rhonda21 Oct 08, 2006

    oh well I think it looks cool. I like the brushes you used for the background and the vector looks good. Nice work!

  2. melymay Oct 08, 2006

    Wow, that's like a perfect perfect vector .. The blood just makes look even cooler XD I really like the background brushes.. Do you remember where you got them? Cause I'd like to use them for this sig I'm making ^^

    Anyways, keep it up! :)

  3. Frosty Oct 09, 2006

    one of those plain and easy.. well.. I'll just say simple looking wall... X-P
    great vectoring job.. it is very clean..
    its a cool looking wall.. what more to say but good show! ;)

  4. R-Yale Dec 26, 2006

    nice work. but some grimances

  5. Sumiregawa-kun Oct 31, 2007

    This is nice but... could I request the version without the bloodstains/text? I'd totally favorite it...

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