Oh I love this scan, I have always wanted the bigger version of this picture Yay thanks, I love lacus in this one she is so pretty, *adds to favs*.
~* Lacus *~
Noy my scan, taken from http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/blackwing_bahamut
I think this is not in the gallery ^_^'
Browse Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Gallery: Recent | Popular.
Oh I love this scan, I have always wanted the bigger version of this picture Yay thanks, I love lacus in this one she is so pretty, *adds to favs*.
~* Lacus *~
Very nice scan, thanks for share, ciao. ;)
The ZAFT crew look cool, i love the Zaft uniforms they are much better than the earth alliance ones, thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing
very nice scan! Thanks for the upload, goes well with the other scan
dang Lacus's hair looks really long in this pic
she's really pretty though
great scan
gracias por comaprtir
athrun looks proud here, but always lovable..nice scan!
Asuran is ar-ar-ar-ar-r-r-r
merged: 02-01-2010 ~ 05:26am
Very nice picture~ Thanks!
Awesome! Thanks for sharing!
This pic nice scan thank for sharing!
I've always loved the zaft team more whenlacus was in it but no longer love it when she left even athrun left too
Quote by bleachmysoul2014I've always loved the zaft team more when lacus was in it but no longer love it when she left even athrun left too
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